The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

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Scottsboro, Alabama

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PAGE 2 THE DAILY SENTINEL SCOTTSBORO ALABAMA THURSDAY APRIL 26 1979 COMMUNITY CALENDAR NEWSWATCH Reject lorida Reunion VIEWPOINT EDITORIALS AND OPINIONS Horse show Life quality Loss of fear Pitch Hit and Run Registration Ir Prayer breakfast i Senator visits Canal treaties convention Revival EMANUEL BAPTIST Church Money wasted Cemetery cleaning Area weather QB Auxiliary Unusual ad Spring concert Rain over the east counties A Mrs Putman i I rights ac the courts more con II I in both group and in presentations Public is RED CROSS swimming lessons at Scottsboro City Pool registration will be May 9 10 11 at Scottsboro Recreation Center 12 noon until 4:30 pm There will be a $3 pool charge per person Quo teUnq note What people are saying Extended orecast air Saturday through Monday with cooler nights and mild af ternoons Lows in 40s north and 50s south Highs mostly 70s Agricultural Weather If we cannot protect innocent children from the greed of the marketplace then we have lost our soul as a Dr Sidney Wolfe director of the Public Health Research Group critizing US regulations allowing 10 and 11 year old harvesters to work in strawberry and potato fields sprayed with toxic pesticides His group part of the Ralph Nader consumer network has sued to ban the practice COMMUNITY CHORUS spring con cert will be May 22 8 pm All per sons interested in singing with the chorus may attend rehearsals each Monday 7:30 pm at irst Baptist miui cn rwoen xsa bee is directing DUTTON RURITAN Club will sponsor a horse show April 28 with grand entry at 6 pm and the show beginning at 6:30 pm The show will be at Mustang Saddle Club Arena on Hwy 35 ending early this morning with thundershowers beginning over the northwest portion early this afternoon and developing over the state during the afternoon and early tonight No rain expected riday The 36 hour rainfall less than a quarter inch south to near three quarters of an inch north Sunshine 5 hours east 8 hours northwest to 10 hours southwest today and more than 10 hours across the state riday Moderate dew west portions with vegetation wet from rain east portions this morning drying off by 9 am Little or no dew tonight Winds westerly 6 to 14 mph becoming northwesterly tonight The outlook Saturday through Monday is fair with cool nights and uinu uays ear is a strong motivating force It leads people to take intelligent responsible precautions When a vaccine for polio became available for example people were ready and eager to take advantage of it The memory of the devastating polio epidemics of the 1950s was still fresh in their minds But the memory fades and with it the motivating force of fear As a result nearly 40 percent of the children have missed out cm one or more of their vaccinations vaccinations against diseases that have a grim history of disability and death Vaccination is now available and strongly recommended for seven serious diseases that have a grim VETERANS the 222nd Infantry Regiment of the 42nd Infantry (Rainbow) Division will have their annual reunion at the Carriage Inn Huntsville July 11 14 All former veterans of the regiment seeking membership and reunion information contact: Rainbow Division Veterans 1979 Reunion Committee Box 491 Hunt sville SENATOR JAMES LEMASTER will be at the Section Town Hall on Saturday at 7 pm to discuss the road bill and better roads in Jackson County The public is invited work was too hard He said he handle it" 4 Miles Ginter a regional postal inspector citing the reason given by a Coldwater Mich letter carrier (a five year veteran) who apparently stashed about 10000 pieces of mail in his garage As a matter of fact I stuck my finger in his Richard Martin 21 who said he immediately realize that the 12 inch fish he caught at a lake in Boca Raton la was a flesh eating piranha Later officials dumped poison in the lake SCOTTSBORO RECREATION Department and the local Burger King are sponsoring Pitch Hit and Run for boys and girls ages 9 12 The competition will be held on Saturday May 5 at the Veterans ield The 9 10 year olds will begin at 9 am and the 11 12 year olds will begin at 1 pm Registration forms may be picked up at the recreation center or at Burger King Completed forms should be left at Burger King Area orecast Rain ending early this morning Becoming partly cloudy by noon with thundershowers during the afternoon and early tonight Sunny and mild riday Winds westerly 6 to 14 mph becoming northwesterly late tonight High today mid 70s Low tonight low 50s High riday near 70 Probability of rain 80 percent today and 50 percent tonight history of disability and death Vaccination is now available and strongly recommended for seven serious diseases polio measles rubella (German measles) mumps diphtheria tetanus and pertussis (whopping co gh) hose diseases continue to unvaccinated children and experts fear that the number of unvaccinated children and experts fear that the number of unvaccinated children has become high enough that epidemics are once again a serious possiblity Parents should check their records to make sure their children are fully vac cinated Unvacinated children should be taken to a doctor or health department without further delay To remain unvaccinated is a risk no child should face BOYS INTERESTED in par ticipating in this year's Ball must register April 30 May 4 between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm at the recreation center ball is for boys aged 6 8 on August 1 Parents must accompany those registering and bring a birth a birth certificate Entry fee is $4 or more information call 259 0999 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday riday WASHINGTON (AP) The quality of life for most black Americans has not changed significantly in the past decade says the former head of the Congressional Black Caucus Rep Parren Mitchell said Wednesday that while blacks made progress after the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s racism is still present in American society In a speech to the American Association for Affirmative Ac tion the Maryland Democrat urged blacks to improve their place in society not at the expense of leaving the lives of the vast majority of black Americans substantially unchanged" Yard sale LAT ROCK TOPPS Club is having a yard sale on Saturday 9 4 in the parking lot of the Gulf Station at the intersection of 117 and US 72 Anyone having anything to donate may bring it to the Gulf Station Singing CAPERTON CHAPEL Baptist Church will have their singing on Saturday evening featuring the Pilgrimaires Pastor James Knight invites everyone Ball sign up Board the board is eligible to receive $15000 in grant money to establish a community education program Agreed to have summer school and to contract for a Head Start Program at Brownwood Elementary June 4 Aug 3 Mrs Elizabeth Haas will be the direc tor Was told 10 of their personnel are resigning at the end of this school term Heard motions to approve personnel transfers recommend professional statt tor tenure have staff renewed and remaining personnel WASHINGTON (AP) Rep George Hansen is using a flatbed truck filled with 44300 simulated gold bricks to express his opposition to the new Panama Canal treaties The truck arrived on Capitol Hill Wednesday to dramatize what the Idaho Republican says is the $41 billion cost to taxpayers of implementing the treaties The State Depart ment denied Hansen's estimate and said the cost to taxpayers will be $870 million more than twice its earlier estimate The treaties turn the canal over to Panama by Dec 31 1999 BRYANT RURITAN Club will sponsor a convention at 7 pm on Saturday Adults children $1 and under 6 free WASHINGTON (AP) The United Mine Workers union is looking for another place to hold a fall convention after pulling out of lorida for its failure to ratify the proposed Equal Rights Amend ment The union was scheduled to hold its convention in Miami during the week of Sept 23 But following the lead of the AL Cio' the international' executive board voted to find another site Union spokesman Eldon Callen said Wednesday been an issue around in the coal fields and brought to our attention by the (National Organization for Women)" of the WASHINGTON (AP) The General Services Administration is being accused of wasting millions of dollars because of unfortunately consistent failure to protect the government's rights and interests in dealing with private Rep Jack Brooks Texas chairman of the House Government Operations Committee made the comment Wednesday following release of a study that said lax management by GSA resulted in the government spending an extra $167 million for leased office space in downtown Washington DC Mrs Tom Bevill of Washington DC will speak at the prayer breakfast sponsored by the Community Church Women on April 28 at 10 am at the irst United Methodist Church ellowship Hall Tickets must be purchased in advance from CCW members or at the and Shop for $3 Sunday dinner SECTION Band Boosters will have a turkey and dressing dinner Sunday 11 am 2 pm in the school cafeteria Tickets are $250 adults and $150 for children Proceeds go to support the band The menu will also include a congealed salad candied yams green beans homemade rolls dessert and iced tea Volunteers VOLUNTEERS are being sought by the Red Cross to work with the swimming program this year Applicants must be at least 13 years old If interested contact the Red Cross 574 2878 Talent contest JACKSON COUNTY 4 talent contest will be riday 7 pm at irst United Methodist Church There will be a junior and senior division dividual invited isn't to work man I'm gettin' coal dust on my orange shag uneral services were Wednesday for Mrs Myrtle Putman 82 Princeton who died Tuesday at Jackson County Hospital The services were from Scottsboro uneral Home chapel with the Rev Caves officiating Burial in Clay Cemetery Survivors include: two daughters Mrs Beatrice Walker and Mrs Jimmy Robertson both of Princeton three sons rank Putman Huntland Tenn Claude Putman Jr Tehannn Tenn and Howard Putman Hammond Ind two sisters Mrs Willie Camnbell I Memphis Tenn and Mrs Nannie Nash California brother Clarence Roden Maysville eight grand children and eight great great i grandchildren 1 Affirmative inaction By MARTHA ANGLE And ROBERT WALTERS WASHINGTON (NEA) National conventions of business civic or political organizations are usually occasions for high spirits and collec tive optimism But there are ex ceptions Members of the American Association for Affirmative Action who gathered in Washington this week for their fifth annual national conference see little to cheer about in the current social and political climate of the country These are professional equal op portunity directors for colleges cor porations and government agencies at all levels who devote their careers to advancing thp intornete a WV111C11 and minorities in education and em ployment And right now they are feeling decidedly beleaguered af firmative action director is one of the loneliest people in town not much sympathy out there for our acknowledged Betty iiewcuniu president association After years of civil tivism Congress and have suddenly turned servative They are to a large degree merely reflecting a shift in public attitudes pendulum has swung against Newcomb said likely to be another decade before it swings back Part of the problem may be a cer tain confusion about the exact nature and extent of programs Like a lot of cat chy phrases this one sounds nice but means little standing by itself There are according to Newcomb three distinct types of affirmative action programs The first and least controversial is a positive and sustained effort to eliminate all traces of discrimination from the rules and procedures of a company or institution to insure genuine equality of opportunity to all comer The second form is a com pensatory program undertaken by court order when a company school district or other institution has been found guilty of past discrimination The third and most controversial type of program is a voluntary effort to increase the number of blacks women handicapped or other minorities to a proportion near their representation in the general population It is these latter affirmative action programs which frequently smack of quotas that have produced cries of and a series of legal challenges The most famous court case on the subject to date was last Bakke opinion in which a badly fractured Supreme Court struck (town thp mpdirnl crhnnl orlmimd nrnornm nf TTnlvfirrlt sza vnv 111 dl DI bjf Ui nt lnvio fifilnfi flvrn wa Is aoiuv nAcu uuuiMci ui places i or minority applicants Sometime in the next month or so the high court is expected to rule on an even toucnier case involving voluntary affirmative action 3 EMANUEL BAPTIST Church at Longhollow will hold revival services at 7 pm each night this week through riday Evangelist is Phillip Webb SHREVEPORT La (AP) The classified ad was legitimate even if its intended audience It said: "The jewelry you took has enormous sentimental value to my wife and children The police say you are a clever professional and that my chances for recovery are slim Therefore I offer to buy it back from you for cash at a price equal to or better than you get through your usual sources You have my address" There was no name or phone number but the advertisem*nt was placed in the Shreveport Journal and Times by a resident whose home was burglarized earlier this month Prices at the very least before it gets sub stantially better" the president said we will continue to see discouraging price figures coming out for some time to In its report today the Labor Depart ment said spendable earnings dropped another 01 percent in March because of rising inflation That raised the total lost buying power of paychecks in the last year to an even 2 percent The department gave this breakdown on price increases for various categories in March compared with the previous month followed by the total increase over the 12 months from March 1978: and beverages 1 percent down from 16 percent in ebruary and up 125 percent for the 12 month period 1 percent down from 13 in ebruary and up 106 percent for the year and upkeep 15 percent up from 03 in ebruary and up 5 percent for the year 12 percent up from 11 percent in ebruary and an increase of 101 percent for the year care 06 percent the same as in ebruary and an increase of 9 per cent for the year 09 percent up from 04 percent in ebruary and an increase of 61 percent for the year goods and services 06 per cent down from 07 percent in ebruary and an increase of 75 percent for the year The Labor Department said th4 Con sumer Price Index in March stood at 2093 meaning that goods and services priced at $100 in 1967 had increased to $20930 last month The department said a 27 percent in crease in meat prices accounted for most of the rise in overall food costs Beef and poultry prices increased shar ply for the sixth consecutive month There also were increases in the price of eggs pork fresh fruits and dairy products However prices for fresh vegetables declined sharply reflecting an increase in supplies of lettuce and tomatoes because of improved weather conditions the department said probationary re employe Ocatlis Golf league tonLheaArTy 0Ught to raise its LADIES GOL League of Scott "Ot Golf and Country Clue will I open their season May 1 9 am All Spec 4 Diana Valdez 21 of I dub members are invited ncuima vuy Neo discussing the reaction among US Army women in West Germany to the decision to lower intelligence requirements for female recruits Under the new policy women volunteers unlike males must still have high school diplomas Sentinel 1 page one continued I programs in employment In that case a white Louisiana steelworker named Brian Weber is challenging the legality of a Kaiser Aluminum training program for skilled jobs which is based on separate seniority lists for black and white workers Weber excluded from the training program while two blacks with less seniority were accepted contends the program violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibitions against discrimination in employment The Supreme Court heard arguments on the case last month and its decision is being awaited with varying degrees of anticipation and trepidation by civil rights groups the government and em ployers all over the country Last Bakke decision left great deal of ambiguity and doubt THE GANT Cemetery will be about the permissible scope of af cleaned Saturday Tools must be firmative action programs The brought by the individual weoer case may muddy the waters still further or provide some much needed clarification hope for sake that th io proves true SCOTTSBORO Quarterback Auxiliary will have a dinner Sunday in the high school cafeteria from 11 am 2 pm Take out or eat in Tickets ar? $3 donation dr Tb IMt oeniinei Published daily Tuesday through riday afternoons and Sunday mornings by Scottsboro Newspapers Inc JAMES HARKNESS President Editor and Publisher Tom George Advertising Manager Peggy erguson City Editor Edna Kirby Office Manager Bookkeeper Perry Sweat Circulation Director Production Supervisor is successor to The Progressive Age (established 1 8891 The Jackson County Sentinel and the Sentinel Age Publication offices 701 East Laurel Street Scottsboro Alabama Second Class Postage paid at the I ost Office in Scottsboro Alabama 35768 The Daily Sentinel reserves the right of reproduction and publication of all news and advertising contents of this newspaper To reach all depart ments Phone 2o91020 Office Hours: Daily 8 am to 5 pm Saturdays 8Pam to 1 pm Closed Sundays MEMBER The Associated Pr(ss Southern Newspaper Publishers Association and Newspaper Enterprises Association Qu WT NtjA ww mb I jMk 5 few 'jlzk fiEs JU 1 I yc JIIMn 1 1 I Jna i i joa A xUa.

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The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)


What is Scottsboro, AL famous for? ›

The community gained national attention in 1931 as the scene of the famous Scottsboro case, a trial at which nine African American youths were convicted of raping two white women on a train.

What county is Scottsboro in? ›

Scottsboro | Jackson County, AL.

Who was the founder of Scottsboro Alabama? ›

Scottsboro's founder, Robert Thomas Scott, served in the Alabama Legislature for almost 20 years and later ran a hotel in Bellefonte. Since he and his wife, Elizabeth, wanted a place to call their own and were not very fond of Bellefonte, they moved to Scottsboro around 1850–53.

What is the elevation of Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

What is the race population in Scottsboro Alabama? ›

White: 87.81% Black or African American: 4.83% Two or more races: 3.49%

How many of the Scottsboro Boys were killed? ›

On April 9, 1931, eight of the nine young men were convicted and sentenced to death.

Is Scottsboro, Alabama a dry county? ›

Jackson County is a prohibition or dry county, but three cities within the county (Bridgeport, Scottsboro, and Stevenson) are "wet", allowing alcohol sales.

How old is Scottsboro? ›

The town is named after its founder, Robert T. Scott, who migrated from North Carolina and in 1856 established a rail station on his land in Jackson County. Originally named Scottsville, the town's name was changed to Scott's Mill and then in 1858 to Scottsboro.

Who is the mayor of Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

Who were the Scottsboro Boys names? ›

Their names were Clarence Norris, Jr., Charlie Weems, Ozie Powell, Andrew Wright, Leroy Wright, Olen Montgomery, Willie Roberson, Haywood Patterson, and Eugene Williams.

Who was the youngest Scottsboro boy? ›

Roy Wright, twelve or thirteen when arrested, was the youngest of the Scottsboro Boys. He was the brother of Andy Wright, who was also arrested upon disembarking the Chattanooga to Memphis freight on March 25, 1931.

Is Scottsboro Boys Based on a true story? ›

The Scottboro Boys, which opens at The Young Vic tomorrow, is a musical based on the true story of a group of black teenagers wrongly accused of rape. Their case became a milestone in the history of US civil rights - but the daughter of one of the real Scottsboro Boys mainly recalls her father's private suffering.

Is Scottsboro, Alabama a good place to live? ›

It's a great place to raise a family and really good schools. It is a great retirement town as well. I have lived in Scottsboro my whole life and I absolutely love it! It may take a while to go to the mall or anything like that but i will definitely raise my family here.

What is the highest town in Alabama? ›

Mentone, at an elevation of 1708 feet, is listed as having the highest elevation of any city in Alabama.

What is Scottsboro, AL known for? ›

The Sauta Cave National Wildlife Refuge is a natural wonder where you can explore a unique habitat and encounter native wildlife in their home environment. Overall, Scottsboro is one of the most diverse experiences in the state of Alabama, offering everything from eateries to natural wonders and beyond.

What is the story of Scottsboro? ›

Collectively, the "Scottsboro Boys" spent a total of 130 years in Alabama jails and prisons for a crime they did not commit. Over the ensuing decades, each of the eight teens—now men—was released from prison, but that false rape accusation effectively derailed their lives. Some returned to prison.

What happened to the Scottsboro Boys in Alabama in 2013? ›

The case has also been explored in many works of literature, music, theatre, film and television. On November 21, 2013, Alabama's parole board voted to grant posthumous pardons to the three Scottsboro Boys who had not been pardoned or had their convictions overturned.

What crime was Scottsboro charged with? ›

The train is stopped by an angry posse in Paint Rock, Alabama, and nine black youths are arrested for assault. Rape charges are added, following accusations from two white women who have also come off the train, Victoria Price and Ruby Bates. The accused are taken to Scottsboro, Alabama, the Jackson County seat.

Why was the Scottsboro case so controversial? ›

The case marked the first stirrings of the civil rights movement and led to two landmark Supreme Court rulings that established important rights for criminal defendants. Nine young black Alabama youths – ranging in age from 12 to 19 – were charged with raping two white women near the small town of Scottsboro, Alabama.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.