The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

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The Daily Sentineli

Scottsboro, Alabama

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TEN CENTS PER COPY 1 5 3 2 1 0 9 Lewis Enterprises Rt JUS Hy tel Albertville AL 35950 NHNEL Our 79th Year Serving Jackson Alabama's Most Beautiful County Volume 7 Number 96 SCOTTSBORO ALA 35768 SUNDAY DECEMBER 1 1968 Member of The Associated Press EIGHT PAGES THIS ISSUE orst In Wreck Leaves 5 Dead sgiving holiday 35 near Scottsboro tragedy for a Early Saturday morning thei fam3v Thursday Associated Press said the (l jittering two car accident still stood out as the Alabama highway worst in the nation during the Thanksgiving holiday ive persons were killed and four injured in the collision which occurred as one of the cars was apparently attempting fid M'6 1 ff a''' lr 4 niffr nttnniH 'I erl? Li a left turn Dead are: Mrs Lavada Anderson 39 of Collinsville route two Mrs Cynthia Anderson Smith 18 of Chattanooga daughter of Mrs Anderson Mrs Janet Anderson 20 of Collinsville daughter ofj Mrs Anderson Cindy Smith 1 of Chattanooga daughter of Mrs Smith Susan Jones 3 of Collinsville daughter of Mrs Jones Critically injured is: Cathy Anderson 16 of Collinsville route two another daughter of Mrs Anderson Listed in fair condition are: Billy Wayne Birchfield 21 of Owens Crossroads Joy Birchfield 17 of Grant route two Marlene Birchfield 21 of Tampa lorida The story as pieced together by authorities is: Mrs Anderson her three daughters and her two granddaughters were traveling toward Scottsboro on Highway 35 They were on their way to the Holiday Inn in Scottsboro to pick up a Thanksgiving turkey which they were to cany to the home of Mr and Mrs McGehee Mrs parents in Scottsboro for dinner Various items of food which had been prepared for tne Thanksgiving dinner were in the trunk of the car It is not known for certain who was driving the car but it is believed that the driver was attempting to make a left turn at the Lakeside Grocery The time was about 9 am A heavy rain was falling The other car in which the three Birchfields were riding was driving toward Payne The driver apparently had no time to even apply his brakes The Birchfield car never moved out of its lane The impact of the collision drove the Birchfield car a Mercury Cougar up into the passenger compartment of the other car a Chevrolet Impala hardtop Mrs Anderson Mrs Jones and the two children were killed instantly Mrs Smith died enroute to Jackson County Hospital Miss leg was almost completely severed in the collision and was later amputated at Jackson County Hospital It was necessary to pry the cars apart before all the dead and injured could be removed Ljjfoafeg I Lr JMi S' ft Jras15siit iSrS Wg: JO rr XjX Xj Stevenson Students Name Wanted if At Rose Tournament this of this writing Lanier is in the Class 4 A State ootball Championship playoff with Huntsville Higli of Huntsville In the 1966 67 school year nd Anita Knox son rating in a piano guild audition a of Mr and Mrs last spring Daniel plays Students throughout or Alabama Space Exhibit place in the VW Band contest in New York City In the 1967 68 school year the Lanier Band won second place in the Disneyland contest and this year they are the Number One band nationally competition Section Quarterback Club Meets Monday The Section Quarterback Club will hold its final meeting of the season Monday night December 2 at 7 pm at Section High School The main topic of business will be the election of coming year officiers Every member is urged to attend sj( will participate saxaphone in the band imament ot Roses a January 1 inaifomia They are dents of Stevenson and Daniel are i flu Sidiwv I unipr i Band which it in the 1968 i Holiday Marching i With the award came an champions again At the tune I top to California is expected to halftime at a majorn professional contest The band will tour the Lanier Band won second where it will wade and present More than 300 1 46 states were competition Sixthe selection after and listening to Jby the bands Daniel attended iAool from 1957 i their father was They are thea of Mrs A Stevenson Dr 1 president ofJnior College is I They have one I ter Benton He inclined ped a superior isof Mr and Mrs last spring Daniel plays Students throughout the Knox Jr? of clarinetand Anita plays State will have the opportunity ty( will participate saxophone in the band to name Space Science Exhibit in a contest being conducted by space science exhibit officials Brochures describing the exhibit and establishing contest rules have been mailed to schools across the State Students in grades six through twelve have been asked to Placing number one in this national band contest is not an unusual role for Lanier High School students During the 1966 67 school year Lanier was the Class 4 A Alabama State Champions in football basketball and track In the 1967 68 school year Lanier was the Class 4 A football submit a name for the exhibit that is short meaningful and descriptive of missiles rockets and space travel The winner of the contest to be selected by a panel of judges will participate in ribbon cutting and dedication ceremonies and be the guest of the Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission while in Huntsville The winner will also be given a special tour of the Army Missile Command and NASA Marshall Space liglit Center Interested students who have not received a contest blank should mail their choice of a name for the exhibit on a post card with return address to the Alabama Space Science Center attention: Name Contest Madison County Courthouse Huntsville Alabama 35801 Tln name contest will end December 31 1968 TIREMEN were called to this vacant house on the Snodgnus farm near the on Highway 72 early Thursday night The house wmen nay naaecu tyonrf ma mnv for the bkize was known A grease in Scottsboro sent firemen rushing to the scene riday morning T1 le extinguished Late Tuesday afternoon a grass tire on uie uiu imsvmc Ptotinn L'Liu hrmioht under control by Scottsboro had threatened two large chicken houses Earlier in the afternoon false alarmM1ru'n8o the Ponroy Street area 'W 5 I I iOWWW Cook Books On Sale Cook books are being sold by the Home Economics Department Scottsboro High School Price is SI caclik Anyone i wishing to purchase one of the books may call 574 3478 ruit Cake Sale I MI The Jackson Association for County Retarded Mrs Kirtland Children is conducting a fruit cake sale Bensons Sliced Old Home ruit Cake is being sold at $350 for a three pound cake Persons wishing to help the Association by purchasing a cake may call 574 1020 or 574 3758 ootball Banquet Tickets are now on sale by members of the Scottsboro Quarterback Club for the annual ootball Banquet to be held December 7 at Scottsboro High School Saddle Club Dance The Jackson County SaddleClub will sponsor round and square dancing Saturday night December 7 at 7 at the National Guard Armory in Scottsboro Admission will be $150 per person Moose Bingo Every riday night beginning December 6 the Scottsboro Moose Lodge will sponsor Moose Bingo at the Moose Hall on the ort Payne Highway Time will be from 8 pm until 10 pm A $250 jackpot prize has been announced Hot dogs and soft drinks will be on sale Half of the net proceeds will be given to the Retarded Childrens Association to help equip the class rooms in Jackson County Woods Cove Revival Revival services will begin at Woods Cove Baptist Church on December 1 and continue through December 7 The evangelist will lie the Rev Billy Muse of Dalton Ga Rev Muse preaches in a wheel chair Services will be held nightly at 7 The public is invited Saddle Club Election The Jackson County Saddle Club will meet on Thursday night December5 at 7 pm at the club house for the election of new officiers for the comirg year All members are urged to be present for this meeting On Saturday night December 21 at 6:30 pm the club will hold a covered dish Christmas supper Gets American Citizenship Mrs Tsuruko Susie Kirtland of Gurley route two became a naturalized American citizen on November 27 in Birmingham She fulfilled the necessary requirements for citizenship along with 74 other persons from all parts of the world Mrs Kirtland who was born on Saipan said reason that I wanted to become a citizen is because 1 love this country I plan to register to vote as soon as I Mrs Kirtland met and married red Kirtland on Okinawa in 1950 Theirs was one of the first American Oriental marriages after World War II Mrs sister also married an American an Air orce sergeant now stationed in California Kirtland is a former radio announcer for WCR1 and is known in this area for his work as a Baptist radio evangelist He now is employed at Revere Copper and Brass Co The Kirtlands live on Keel Mountain near Paint Rock They have seven children five sons and two daughters SBA Man Sets Visit In Area A representative of the Small Business Administration will be in room 105 of the Clinton Building in Huntsville on Wednesday December 1 1 from 8:30 am until 5 pm Anyone desiring to discuss the loan policies of the administration should contact the representative during these hours Any businessman needing management assistance which is offered under the SCORE program (Service Corps of Retired Executives) of the Small Business Administration is also invited to contact the representative at the Clinton Building gninWiijmiitt ini i ill ir Hl ii 't bwiii US 41 64 72 Bridge Will Be Reopened Soon The reconstruction by TV At of 41 64 72 highway bridge across the Tennessee River at Guild Tennessee is nearing completion and the bridge is expected to be reopened to traffic in the near future TVA has raised the bridge 21 feet to allow clearance for river traffic over the new Nickajack Lake and has rebuilt and paved bridge approaches It is now installing guard rails on the approaches The Tennessee State Highway Department has placed a new wearing surface on the concrete bridge deck over the main steel truss spans The new Interstate 24 bridge nearby has provided an alternate route for traffic loral Open House Slated Scottsboro lower Shop is holding a Christmas Holiday Open House Sunday afternoon (Dec 1) from 2 until 6 pm Due to limited space and display area the open house will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Nixon Powell on the Guntersville Highway A large assortment of Christmas novelties Santa Plans Visit Santa Claus is coming to The jolly old man will arrive on the square in Scottsboro next riday afternoon at 3 pm A spokesman at Santa's headquarters told the Sentinel Age that Santa is planning to bring plenty of candy for all the children who are on hand to greet him when he arrives in the city High school bands from Scottsboro Bridgeport Stevenson and Pisgah are planning to march in the parade to celebrate Santa's visit to Scottsboro The Cub Scouts have also announced that they plan to march in the parade All schools in Jackson county will end their classes at 11 am riday so that all the kids can come to town to greet Santa on his arrival Merchants in Scottsboro say that they will have their stores decorated for Christmas and will be ready to kick off the Christmas selling season upon arrival in town Help Pledged or Wrays Since the story was run about Max misfortunes articles and monev have been Negro Parade Has Black Santa Claus DURHAM (AP) Negroes in Durham North Carolina have staged their own pre Christmas parade complete with a black Santa Claus It was in competition with the traditional parade in the downtown area by white merchants The competing parades resulted from a long standing fbud between leaders of Black Solidarity Committee and the Merchants Association and Chamber of Commerce The Black Solidarity Committee has been boycotting downtown stores for four months in an effort to gain aceeptance of a 15 page list of demands for changes in Jhe power structure Crowds lined the streets of both parade routes The merchants parade through downtown Durham drew almost exclusively white onlookers The racially opposite was true for the competing parade through a predominantly Negro business and residential section A traditionally white Santa Claus was a feature of the merchant parade which also included 15 floats four high school bands and several arrangements center pieces door wreaths and candle creations will be displayed for this public Christmas preview donated for his needs The Sentinel Age will accept any items brought to the office to be given to the Wray family marching units The Negro parade included four floats and one musical combo SKIPPER AN ESKIMO Dwarf Spitz owned by Clyde and Edythe Clemens ot Scottsboro died riday morning at the ripe old age of 19 years Nineteen years in a life is said to be equivalent to 1 33 years of human life These photos of Sk ipper were takeii in 1 963 iIhL srltM Ws ijs 1.

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The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)


What is Scottsboro, AL famous for? ›

The community gained national attention in 1931 as the scene of the famous Scottsboro case, a trial at which nine African American youths were convicted of raping two white women on a train.

What county is Scottsboro in? ›

Scottsboro | Jackson County, AL.

Who was the founder of Scottsboro Alabama? ›

Scottsboro's founder, Robert Thomas Scott, served in the Alabama Legislature for almost 20 years and later ran a hotel in Bellefonte. Since he and his wife, Elizabeth, wanted a place to call their own and were not very fond of Bellefonte, they moved to Scottsboro around 1850–53.

What is the elevation of Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

What is the race population in Scottsboro Alabama? ›

White: 87.81% Black or African American: 4.83% Two or more races: 3.49%

How many of the Scottsboro Boys were killed? ›

On April 9, 1931, eight of the nine young men were convicted and sentenced to death.

Is Scottsboro, Alabama a dry county? ›

Jackson County is a prohibition or dry county, but three cities within the county (Bridgeport, Scottsboro, and Stevenson) are "wet", allowing alcohol sales.

How old is Scottsboro? ›

The town is named after its founder, Robert T. Scott, who migrated from North Carolina and in 1856 established a rail station on his land in Jackson County. Originally named Scottsville, the town's name was changed to Scott's Mill and then in 1858 to Scottsboro.

Who is the mayor of Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

Who were the Scottsboro Boys names? ›

Their names were Clarence Norris, Jr., Charlie Weems, Ozie Powell, Andrew Wright, Leroy Wright, Olen Montgomery, Willie Roberson, Haywood Patterson, and Eugene Williams.

Who was the youngest Scottsboro boy? ›

Roy Wright, twelve or thirteen when arrested, was the youngest of the Scottsboro Boys. He was the brother of Andy Wright, who was also arrested upon disembarking the Chattanooga to Memphis freight on March 25, 1931.

Is Scottsboro Boys Based on a true story? ›

The Scottboro Boys, which opens at The Young Vic tomorrow, is a musical based on the true story of a group of black teenagers wrongly accused of rape. Their case became a milestone in the history of US civil rights - but the daughter of one of the real Scottsboro Boys mainly recalls her father's private suffering.

Is Scottsboro, Alabama a good place to live? ›

It's a great place to raise a family and really good schools. It is a great retirement town as well. I have lived in Scottsboro my whole life and I absolutely love it! It may take a while to go to the mall or anything like that but i will definitely raise my family here.

What is the highest town in Alabama? ›

Mentone, at an elevation of 1708 feet, is listed as having the highest elevation of any city in Alabama.

What is Scottsboro, AL known for? ›

The Sauta Cave National Wildlife Refuge is a natural wonder where you can explore a unique habitat and encounter native wildlife in their home environment. Overall, Scottsboro is one of the most diverse experiences in the state of Alabama, offering everything from eateries to natural wonders and beyond.

What is the story of Scottsboro? ›

Collectively, the "Scottsboro Boys" spent a total of 130 years in Alabama jails and prisons for a crime they did not commit. Over the ensuing decades, each of the eight teens—now men—was released from prison, but that false rape accusation effectively derailed their lives. Some returned to prison.

What happened to the Scottsboro Boys in Alabama in 2013? ›

The case has also been explored in many works of literature, music, theatre, film and television. On November 21, 2013, Alabama's parole board voted to grant posthumous pardons to the three Scottsboro Boys who had not been pardoned or had their convictions overturned.

What crime was Scottsboro charged with? ›

The train is stopped by an angry posse in Paint Rock, Alabama, and nine black youths are arrested for assault. Rape charges are added, following accusations from two white women who have also come off the train, Victoria Price and Ruby Bates. The accused are taken to Scottsboro, Alabama, the Jackson County seat.

Why was the Scottsboro case so controversial? ›

The case marked the first stirrings of the civil rights movement and led to two landmark Supreme Court rulings that established important rights for criminal defendants. Nine young black Alabama youths – ranging in age from 12 to 19 – were charged with raping two white women near the small town of Scottsboro, Alabama.

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.