Town of Ulster - New York State Department of State Town of Ulster Building Department by the ... that is "listed" by Underwriters Laboratory ... scope ofthis article are devices which - [PDF Document] (2024)

Town of Ulster 1 Town Hall Drive Telephone: (845) 382-2765 James E. Quigley, 3rd

Lake Katrine, N.Y. 12449 Fax: (845) 382-2769 Supervisor


JAN 1 7 2013


LJ~looJanuary 14,2013

Raymond Andrews, R.A. Assistant Director for Code Development NYS Department of State, Codes Division 41 State Street Albany, NY 12231

Re: Petition for More Restrictive Local Standards

Dear Mr. Andrews:

This letter and supporting documentation shall serve as the Town's petition to the State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council for the incorporation of more restrictive local standards associated with our Burglar Alarm al1d Fire Alarm Code. As you may note from the certified copy of the Local Law adopted by the Town Board on December 20, 2012, it is the desire of the Town Board of the Town of Ulster to adopt a more restrictive Burglar Alarm and Fire Alarm Code. The code is to be utilized for all future commercial and multi-family construction in the Town should the Code Council agree to the more restrictive requirements for use in the Town fo Ulster.

In particular, the following provisions of the Burglar Alarm and Fire Alarm Code are believed to be more restrictive than the State Code:

§ 54-6(B)(2) - The installer of the [alarm] system maintains an adequate service organization to repair, maintain, or otherwise service alarm systems sold or leased by him. I have reviewed the State Fire Code and there is nothing in the Code that requires the alarm installer to maintain an adequate service organization.

§ 54-6(B)(3)(a) - Tile alarm system shall be equipped with an automatic audible signal cut­off device so that the maximum time any alarnl causes an externally audible signal to be emanated does not exceed fifteen (15) minutes per activation. This provision is permitted by both NFPA and UL.

§ 54-12(C) - All commercial fire alarm system work shall be done by a licensed New York State fire alarm company. I have reviewed the State Fire Code and there is nothing in the Code that requires all comn1ercial fire alarm system installation and maintenance to be performed by a


licensed New York State fire alarm company. However, this provision may be more restrictive than General Business Law § 69-m, which provides that a property owner or proprietor may install such a system personally or by his or her employees.

§ 54-12(D) - All commercial fire alarm systems shall be UL Listed. I have reviewed the State Fire Code and there is nothing in the Code that requires all commercial fire alarm systenl installation and maintenance to be performed by a licensed New York State fire alarm company. However, this provision may be more restrictive than General Business Law Article 6-D. UL performs annual field inspections of fire alarm systenls, which is an excellent way to improve the effectiveness of these systems. § 54-12(1) - All fire alarm systems shall report to a central station that has been listed or approved by an organization through an initial qualifying evaluation and conducts systematic follow-up examinations. The central station must be located in New York State. The State Fire Code does not require that the central station be located in New York.

§ 54-12(J) - All fire alarm companies shall supply proof of a twenty-four-hour enlergency service department capable of responding to a trouble or alarm within one hour of the reported condition. This provision in permitted by both NFPA and UL, but there is no requirement to this effect in the State Fire Code.

§ 54-12(L) - All fire alarm activations shall be treated as an actual alarm, which shall require the central station to immediately notify the applicable local fire company. This provision is more restrictive than the State Fire Code, which does not contain such a requirement.

§ 54-12(N) - Each fire alarm system shall have annual test and maintenance certificate by a New York State licensed fire alarm company. Said certificate shall be filed annually with the Town of Ulster Building Department by the building owner. This provision is more restrictive than the State Fire Code, which does not contain such a requirement.

§ 54-20(C)(I) - All multiple family dwellings shall have smoke detectors as follows: Smoke detectors shall be intelligent, addressable, and be part of the primary system. This is a life safety issue, as an addressable smoke detector will make it easier to find the specific location of a fire. -- -­

§ 54-20(C)(4) - Smoke detectors shall be connected to a central station monitoring facility that is "listed" by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), or any other nationally recognized testing agency, and approved by the Town of Ulster Building Department. There is no requirement in the State Fire Code that smoke detectors be connected to a central station that is "listed~~ by UL or another nationally recognized testing agency.

When I became Supervisor in 2010, a local developer was nearing completion on a senior citizen housing complex. As the Town Building Department oversaw the completion of the project, it became obvious to the Town Board and our Building Department that the Town lacked the legal authority to demand the developer install a first rate fire alarm system. This spurred the Town Board to hire a fire alarm consultant who advised us on what the Town could and could not

legally insist upon in fire alarm systems on this project and all future residential and commercial developments.

The Town Board expects that in the years ahead we will be faced with additional large scale multi-family projects, and, as a matter of life safety, the Town needs to be able to enforce a rigorous fire alarm code. This is a matter of public safety that the Town Board takes very seriously.

Therefore, I have enclosed with this letter the following documents: (1) Codes Division cover letter; (2) certified copies of the adopted local law and the resolution authorizing this submission to the Building Code Council. I respectfully submit that the enclosed resolution contains the legislative history and background supporting the Town of Ulster's need for a more restrictive Burglar Alarm and Fire Alarm Code.

Should you need any additional docunlentation or information, please contact my office.

;:~@~J / James E. Quigley 3rd ~ Supervisor

New York State Department of State Division of Code Enforcement and Administration

Code Development Unit

Petition to the State Fire Prevention & Building Code Council for the Incorporation of More Restrictive Local Standards

The chief executive officer or the chairperson of the legislative body of such local government shall petition the State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council for a determination as to whether or not the local law or ordinance is more restrictive than the provisions contained in the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Such petition shall be submitted within 30 days of enactment or adoption of the local law or ordinance. Any petition failing to comply with the requirements listed below may be rejected by the Council as incomplete; in which case, the local ordinance would not be legally enforceable in the municipality.

The petition from a local government for the incorporation of more restrictive local standards must contain the following:

• A certified copy of the local law or ordinance, indicating the date of enactment. • A legislative finding setting forth the special conditions preva.iling within the municipality which

warrant imposing more restrictive local standards. • Documentation which includes substantfation (such as research reports, statistical analysis, and

field-related experience) showing that such local law or ordinance conforms to accepted engineering and fire prevention practices and does not discriminate against material products, methods or systems of demonstrated capabilities.

• An analysis of each section of the local law or ordinance, indicating the content and comparable sections of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.

• Copies of meeting minutes and/or transcripts if available from meetings or hearings in which the local law or ordinance was discussed and adopted.

The petition shall be reviewed based upon the following criteria:

Where the council finds that such higher or more restrictive standards are reasonably necessary because of special conditions prevailing within the local government as stated in Section 379(2) of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code Act, the State Fire Protection and Building Code Council shall consider the request based on the merits of the petition.

(Village, ~ City of - please circle one) Local government name: Town of Ulster

Chief executive officer (name and title): Supervisor James E. Quigley 3rd Local government contact person: Supervisor James E. Quigley 3rd

1 Town Hall Drive, Lake Katrine, NY 12449Address: ~------------

Telephone number: 845-382-2765 Fax: ~4J.. Jfl~ 27/iq E-mail address: supervisor@townofulster. org D~e: January 14, 2013

Please submit this form and all necessary documentation to substantiate the above proposal to: Raymond Andrews, R.A., Assistant Director for Code Development, NYS Department of State, Codes Division, 99 Washington Ave., Suite 1160, Albany, New York 12231. If you have questions concerning submission requirements, please call the Code Development Unit at (518) 474-4073, e­mail: Raymond.andrews@dos, or fax: (518) 486-4487.


New York State Department of State Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code

One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12231-0001Local Law Filing

(Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.)

Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter.

DCounty Deity [8]Town DVillage (Select one:)

of ulster

Local Law No. 7 of the year 20 12

A local law Providing for the Adoption of a New Chapter 54 of the Town Code [Fire Alarm &Burglar (Insert Title)


Be it enacted by the Town Board of theM(N;;amme;Co~fLree~g;~s/aiiti:vEvet1BiOodY.dY~;;--------------------

DCounty DCity [8]Town DViliage (Select one:)

of Ulster as follows:

(If additional space Is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet. and number each.)

D05-0239-f-1 (Rev. 02112) Page 2 of4


§ 54-1. Title

This chapter shall be known as the "Burglar Alarm and Fire Alann Local Law of the Town of Ulster."

§ 54-2. Administrative officials

The Town ofUlster Building Department shall administer this chapter.


54-3. Legislative Intent and Purpose

The Town ofUlster Police Department, the Town of Ulster Building Department, and volunteer fire companies throughout the Town ofUlster have recorded many false burglar, hold-up, or emergency alanns emanating from automated devices. These signals require that police and other emergency services respond to the false alann, exposing them to unnecessary hazards and risks, wasting taxpayer funds and depriving other citizens ofneeded emergency service. This law is intended to regulate alann systems, thereby reducing the number of false alanns and saving taxpayer funds and protecting other citizens.

§ 54-4. Defmitions

The following definitions pertain to this article.

ALARM SYSTEM - Any device which when activated, calls for a police or fire response and (1) transmits a signal to police or fire headquarters, (2) transmits a signal to a person who relays information to police or the fire department or (3) produces an audible or visible signal to which the police or fire department are expected to respond. Excluded from this definition and the scope of this article are devices which are designated to alert or signal only persons within the premises in which the device is installed and devices which are activated by the release ofwater from a sprinkler system.

BUILDING INSPECTOR- The Building Inspector of the Town ofUlster, or his designee.

FIRE INSPECTOR - The Fire Inspector of the Town ofUlster, or his designee.

PERSON - A natural person, finn, partnership, association or corporation or representative or agent of said entities who is the owner or lessee of an alarm system.

POLICE CHIEF - The Chiefofthe Police Department of the Town ofUlster, or his designee.


POLICE DEPARTMENT OR POLICE - The Police Department of the Town of Ulster

TOWN - The Town of Ulster.

§ 54-5. Permit Required

No person in the Town ofUlster shall operate, maintain or install an alann system without first obtaining a permit under this local law. Excluded from the provisions of this local law are any alann systems installed in a motor vehicle or vessel or any device designed to alert the occupants of a building of an emergency condition therein and which does not transmit, directly or indirectly, a signal to police headquarters or to a private central alann station or produce any audible or visual or telephone signal to which the Police Department, Fire Department and or AmbulancelMedical service is expected to respond.

§ 54-6. Application for Permit

A. An application for a permit under this law shall be filed with the Town ofUlster Building Department on forms supplied by the Town, together with an application fee ofOne Hundred ($100.00) dollars made payable to the Town Clerk. Said application shall set forth the following:

(1) Name, address and telephone number ofboth the installer of the system and the person or business on whose premises the system will be operated, maintained, monitored or installed.

(2) The location of and where on the premises the alann system is proposed to be installed or has already been installed, prior to the effective date of this law, including postal or street address and directions from main road.

(3) The type of emergency the alann system is designed to detect.

(4) The name, address and telephone number of at least two (2) persons who can be updated no less than yearly or when a key holder is changed.

(5) The applicant shall agree that if the person to be notified either refuses to come to the premises upon request of the Town Police Department or a local fire department or cannot be reached within a reasonable time by telephone or otherwise, the Town Police Department or a local fire department may, without any liability for any charges as a result of disconnection, or any liability as a result ofresponding to alanns, do the following: contact a licensed installer to disconnect the system.

B. The Town ofUlster Building Department shall approve such application ifit finds that:


(1) The use of the alarm system to transmit a signal, message or warning to the Town Police Department will not interfere with the orderly transaction ofTown business.

(2) The installer of the system maintains an adequate service organization to repair, maintain or otherwise service alarm systems sold or leased by him.

(3) The alarm system meets the following minimum requirements:

(a) The alarm system shall be equipped with an automatic audible signal cut-off device so that the maximum time any alarm shall cause an externally audible signal to be emanated does not exceed fifteen (15) minutes per activation.

(b) The commercial fire alarm system shall be equipped with a standby power source sufficient to maintain the system in a state of readiness for at least twenty-four (24) hours in the event of a power failure, or comply with NFPA 72 standards, whichever is the longer time period.

c. The Town ofUlster Building Department may impose such other and further reasonable conditions on the granting of said pennit as he may deem necessary or proper in carrying out the provisions, legislative intent and purpose of this local law. The Town of Ulster Building Department shall coordinate with the Town ofUlster Police Department in reviewing burglar alarm applications on a regular basis.

D. Pennits shall not be transferable from one premise to another or from one applicant to another.

§ 54-7 Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Permit

A. The Town ofUlster Building Department may suspend or revoke an alarm permit where six (6) false or nuisance alarms have occurred within a one year period and/or where an applicant does not reasonably comply with any provision of this local law.

B. Any applicant whose application for a pennit has been denied, and any person whose permit has been suspended or revoked, may appeal such denial, suspension or revocation in writing to the Town Board of the Town ofUlster within thirty (30) days after such denial, suspension or revocation and may appear before such Town Board in at a time and place to be detennined by the Town Board in support ofhis or its contention that the permit should not have been denied, suspended or revoked. The decision of the Town Board shall be final.

c. Any reactivation of a revoked or suspended alarm pennit will be subject to an administrative fee due to the Town of Ulster in the amount of $1 00.00.


§ 54-8. Existing Systems

All persons operating, maintaining or monitoring a presently existing alarm system must comply with all provisions of this local law within ninety (90) days after the effective date of this local law. Upon the expiration of this period, said persons shall be in violation of this local law and subject to disconnection and other penalties under this local law. If a person operating, maintaining or monitoring an alarm system on or before the effective date of this local law applies for a permit pursuant to Section 54-6 within ninety (90) days ofthe effective date then there shall be no application fee due. If a person operating or maintaining an alarm system on or before the effective date applies for a pennit after ninety (90) days from the effective date, he or she shall be subject to the application fee.

§54-9. Change of Location

If the location ofPolice Headquarters should be changed at any time, the Town shall not be responsible for any expense incurred by the owner or lessee or business licensee or alarm agent for moving alarm systems or re-connecting such systems to the relocated Police Headquarters.


§ 54·10. Defmitions

Refer to National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72) Chapters 1-8.

§ 54-12. General Provisions

A. All fire alann system installations, modifications, maintenance and/or testing shall comply with the New York State Unifonn Fire Prevention and Building Code, most current edition.

B. All fire alarm systems shall be installed to the edition ofthe National Fire Alann Code (NFPA 72) that is in effect.

c. All commercial fire alann system work shall be done by a licensed New York State fire alarm-company.

D. All companies shall submit, in writing, to the Town ofUlster Building Department, all proposals, including the scope of the work to be performed and all equipment to be used for review and approval before any work is started. Upon completion of said work the company shall demonstrate and test the system with a representative of the Town of Ulster Building Department present for final approval.

E. All fire controls and peripheral devices shall be of applicable grade and quality in


accordance with UL/864 requirements. All initiating devices shall be zoned to a remote annunciator panel for viewing by the occupants and the applicable local fire company. The alarm panel, and an as-built construction document box, shall be easily accessible to the applicable local fire company.

F. All fire suppression and/or sprinkler systems shall report to the new fire controls on separate points. All smoke, heat-detecting and pull stations shall report to central station on separate points. All sprinkler systems shall be monitored by the UL Central Station. All commercial fire alarm systems shall be UL listed, and shall be issued a certificate or other document issued by an organization which has listed the alarm service company that is maintaining the system. This document shall be filed with the Town of Ulster Building Department and shall be renewed annually.

G. Upon final approval, the company shall prepare and submit a written record of completion as per the National Fire Alann Code, along with all documents required by Section 907 of the New York State Building Code.

H. Every system shall have a minimum ofone interior and one exterior ADA approved hom/strobe alerting device and installed per NFPA 72.

I. All fire alarm systems shall report to a central station that has been listed or approved by an organization through an initial qualifying evaluation and conducts systematic follow­up examinations. The central station must be located in New York State.

J. All fire alann companies shall supply proofofa twenty-four-hour emergency service department capable of responding to a trouble or alann within one hour of the reported condition.

K. All fire alarm companies shall maintain a current listing of the building owner, tenant and point ofcontact. This list shall include the names and phone numbers ofkey holders who are capable of responding on a seven-day, twenty-four-hour emergency notification. This list shall be updated at least annually and submitted in duplicate for the Town Clerk and the Town ofUlster Building Department.

L. All fire alarm activations shall be treated as an actual alarm, which shall require the central station to immediately notify the applicable local fire company_

M. All fire alarm systems shall be registered with Town Clerk and the Town ofUlster Building Department. All commercial building owners having fire alarm systems shall also install a Knox Box secure key entry system. The applicable local fire company shall have the only keys to this system. The owner shall be responsible for updating the correct keys for storage.

N. Each fire alarm system shall have annual test and maintenance certificate by a New York


State licensed fire alarm company. Said certificate shall be filed annually with the Town ofUlster Building Department by the building owner.

§ 54-12. Registration of Fire Alarm Systems

(A) A one-time Registration shall be required for Fire Alarm Systems and whenever a Record of Completion is prepared, in accordance with NFPA 72.

(B) The Owner shall be required to re-register whenever there is a change in the Fire Alarm Business responsible for maintaining, servicing, and/or monitoring the Fire Alarm System.

(C) Registrations shall not be transferable from one Premises to another or from one Owner to another.

(D) Every Fire Alann Business shall notify the Enforcement Official of the existence of a Fire Alarm System prior to the Fire Alarm. System being put into operation. It shall be the responsibility of the installing Fire Alarm Business to provide the Owner with notice of the existence of this ordinance, a Registration form and a copy of the Fire Alann System operation instructions in accordance with NFPA 72, and the manufacturer's instructions.

(E) The Registration fonn shall include the following information:

(1) The name(s), address of the Premises, mailing address (if different from the address of the Premises), business arid home telephone number of the Owner, lessee, operator, manager or person in possession of the Premises wherein the Fire Alarm System is installed.

(2) The name, address and telephone number of a minimum of two (2) persons who can be notified by the Town of Ulster Building Department, in the event of the activation of the Fire Alann System, who shall be capable of responding to the Premises within one (1) hour, and who are authorized to enter the Premises to ascertain the status thereof.

(3) The name, address and telephone number of the Fire Alarm Business which has contracted to service the Fire Alarm System and proofofproper state licensing/registration with the Town ofUlster Building Department, ifrequired. Proofofproper state licensing may be a valid state licensing number.

(4) The date the Registration is signed or the Fire Alarm System is placed in operation for any reason.

(5) Any other documentation that is required by NFPA 72 and Section 907 of the State Fire Code.


(F) When any of the infonnation required in Section 54-13(E) has changed, it shall be reported to the Town ofUlster Building Department by the Owner within fifteen (15) days of the Owner becoming aware of such change;

(0) The Owner shall complete and deliver the Fire Alarm System Registration in the required fonnat to the Town ofUlster Building Department before the Fire Alarm System is activated or placed into service. The Fire Alarm Business, when authorized by the Owner, may assist the Owner in accomplishing this submission of the Fire Alarm Registration to the Town ofUlster Building Department.

§ 54-13. System Certification

All newly installed or re-certified commercial Fire Alarm Systems shall be approved by the Town ofUlster Building Department. The certification shall indicate that the Fire Alarm System is in compliance with NFPA 72.

§ 54-14. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

(A) The Owner shall ensure that all Fire Alann Systems are inspected and tested at least once per year in accordance with NFPA 72 by a qualified inspector and shall file an inspection report with the Town ofUlster Building Department.

(B) The Owner shall ensure that all Fire Alarm Systems are periodically maintained per manufacturer specifications and recommendations and NFPA 72.

§ 54-15 Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Permit

A. The Town ofUlster Building Department may suspend or revoke a Registration for a Fire Alarm System where an undue number of false alarms have occurred and/or where an applicant does not reasonably comply with any provision of this local law.

B. Any applicant whose Registration has been denied, and any person whose Registration has been suspended or revoked, may appeal such denial, suspension or revocation in writing to the Town Board of the Town ofUlster within thirty (30) days after such denial, suspension or revocation and may appear before such Town Board in at a time and place to be detennined by the Town Board in support ofhis or its contention that the permit should not have been denied, suspended or revoked. The decision of the Town Board shall be final.

c. Any reactivation of a revoked or suspended Registration will be subject to an administrative fee due to the Town of Ulster in the amount of $100.00.

§ 54-16. Existing Systems


All persons operating, maintaining or monitoring a presently existing Fire Alann System must comply with all provisions of this local law within ninety (90) days after the effective date of this local law. Upon the expiration of this period, said persons shall be in violation of this local law and subject to disconnection and other penalties under this local law. If a person operating, maintaining or monitoring a Fire Alarm System on or before the effective date of this local law applies for a permit pursuant to Section 54-13 within ninety (90) days of the effective date then there shall be no application fee due. If a person operating or maintaining an alarm system on or before the effective date applies for a pennit after ninety (90) days from the effective date, he or she shall be subject to the application fee.


§ 54-17. Enforcement procedure

A. This article shall apply to both burglar alarms and fire alarms. After responding to a burglar alarm or a fire alann that is detennined to be a false alarm or nuisance alann, the applicable local fire company, the Town ofUlster Police Department, and/or Ulster County 911, shall file a report of the same with the Town ofUlster Building Department and/or applicable local fire company.

B. False alarms and/or nuisance calls.

(1) A "false alarm" or "nuisance alarm" shall be defined as follows:

(a) The activation of a burglar and/or a robbery alarm for the purposes of summoning the police at a time when no burglary or robbery is being committed or attempted on the premises or no emergency exists; or

(b) The activation of a fire alann caused by defective or improperly maintained equipment for the purpose of summoning the fire department at a time when no fire or emergency is occurring.

(2) The "Alarm Appeal Board" shall be defined as follows:

(a) There shall be in the Town ofUlster an Alarm Appeal Board which shall have the powers and duties granted to it under this article. The Alarm Appeal Board shall consist of the Town ofUlster Town Board.

(3) Each owner of an alarm system shall report any unresolved and/or unrepaired "Trouble" signals to the Town ofUlster Building Department within eight (8) hours.

(4) All alarm systems which employ an audible signal or flashing light beacon designed to signal persons outside the premises must be deactivated and silenced


automatically within fifteen (15) minutes.

c. Civil Penalties

(1) An owner of an alarm system shall be liable for the following civil penalties for prohibited false alanns during the calendar year:

First and Second false alarm Warning Letter Only Third False Alarm $250.00 Fourth False Alarm $400.00 Fifth false alarm $600.00 Sixth or more false alanns $800.00

(2) Any person who fails to register his or her alarm system or whose alarm system violates the standards set forth in this chapter hereof: shall be liable for a civil penalty of $250.00.

D. Hearing Provisions

(1) Whenever the Town ofUlster intends to impose a civil penalty for a violation of this Law, the Town ofUlster Building Department shall give at least twenty (20) days advance written notice to the alleged violator by first class mail. The notice shall state the basis for the civil penalty and advise the alleged violator of the right to request in writing a hearing by the Alarm Appeal Board within such twenty (20) day period. The request shall specify the reasons why a civil penalty should not be imposed.

(2) Written notice of the time and place of the Alarm Appeal Board hearing shall be sent to the alleged violator by first class mail at least twenty (20) days prior to the date set for the hearing. An Alarm Appeal Board hearing shall be scheduled within at least sixty (60) days of a request for such hearing.

(3) At the Alarm Appeal Board hearing, the alleged violator shall have the right to confront and examine witnesses and present evidence on his own behalf. After the hearing, the Alarm Appeal Board shall issue a written decision setting forth its findings and detenninations.

(4) The decision of the Alarm Appeal Board shall be reviewable pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules.

(5) The Alarm Appeals Board, subsequent to any appeal having been finally detennined, may bring an action to recover the civil penalty provided in this article.

(6) In the event the alleged violator fails to request a hearing, the Town ofUlster shall


have the right to impose the civil penalty prescribed for the violation.

(7) The Town of Ulster shall not impose a civil penalty more than two (2) years after the occurrence of the acts forming the basis of the violation.

E. Civil penalties and/or injunctive relief may also be recovered in any action or proceeding brought by the Town Attorney, working with the Town of Ulster Building Department, in any court of competent jurisdiction.

§ 54-18. Fees

All installation, connection, maintenance and monitoring fees shall be -at the expense of the


§ 54-19. Records

A. All information on applications pertaining to false alanns shall not be deemed confidential insofar as it is necessary to conduct any litigation under this chapter or to be provided to appropriate officials for fire protection purposes.

B. The Town ofUlster Building Department shall retain all records regarding applications, false alarm reports, investigations and other data necessary for compliance with this chapter.


§ 54-20. Fire Alarm Systems in Building Construction

A. All commercial buildings shall contain smoke and heat detection devices in accordance with the Fire Code ofNew York State. As per the Fire Code ofNew York State, sprinklers may only replace heat detectors, not smoke detectors.

B. Prior to issuance of a building permit, each builder shall submit three sets ofproposed plans to the Town ofUlster Building Department depicting the fire alann system prepared by a New York State licensed design professional (engineer, architect, NICET III or higher, or fire protection engineer).


C. All multiple-family dwellings shall have smoke detectors as follows:

(1) Smoke detectors shall be intelligent, addressable, and be part of the primary system.

(2) One smoke detector for each common hallways and/or corridors, spacing to meet or exceed NFPA 72 and New York State Building Code.

(3) In storage areas exceeding 50 square feet, a minimum ofone smoke detector and as many as may be necessary consistent with the manufacturer's specifications and recommended area of coverage.

(4) Smoke detectors shall be connected to a central station monitoring facility that is "listed" by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), or any other nationally recognized testing agency, and approved by the Town ofUlster Building Department.

(5) Heat detectors shall be installed in boiler rooms, based on spacing requirements of

NFPA 72.

D. All buildings used for commercial purposes with an occupancy of fifty (50) or more shall have smoke detectors connected to a UL listed central station monitoring facility as defined by NFPA 72 and approved by the Town ofUlster Building Department. An automatic fire alann system is required. This system shall consist of, but not be limited to, pull stations, smoke or heat detectors, elevator recalls, notification devices (horn/strobe).

E. Plans shall be submitted and a fire alann system shall be installed for any existing building, structure or occupancy, except a one- or two-family residence, which does not contain a fire alann system confonning to NFPA 72, and the Fire Code ofNew York State standards where the total floor area is increased by 50% or more or for which the cost of any alterations, additions or repairs made within a six-month period exceeds 50% of the cost of replacement of the building at the beginning of that six-month period or where the use is converted to an A occupancy, as defined by the Building Code ofNew York State and the Fire Code ofNew York State.

F. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for occupancy or the use of any building,


structure or portion thereof required to have a fire alarm system unless such system is installed, inspected, tested and approved in accordance with the Fire Code ofNew York State, NFPA the Ulster Town Code standards, and submitted and approved plans.

§ 54-21. Severability

In any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or work of this Local Law is for any reason held to be invalid by ally court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance.

§ 54-22. When effective

This Local Law shall take effect upon filing in the office of the New York State Secretary of State in accordance with Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law.


(Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which is not applicable.)

1. (Final adoption by locallegislativ8 body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. _7 _ of20~of the ~gwR'Y)(Cit_,~(Town)(~) of Ulster was duIy passed by the December (Name of Legis/ative Body)

on 20 20..!!..-, in accordance with the applicable

provisions of law.

2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer·.)

I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of20__ of

the(Coun~XC~YX~n)~illage)~ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ was duIy passed by the on 20__, and was (approved)(not approved)

(Name of Legis/ative Body)

(repassed after disapproval) by the and was deemed duly adopted (Elective Chief Executive Officer·)

on 20[[], in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.

3. (Final adoption by referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20__ of

the (County)(City)(Town)~illage) of was duly passed by the ___________________ on 20__ , and was (approved)(not approved) (Name ofLegislative Body)

(repassed after disapproval) by the on 20 (Elective Chief Executive Office,·)

Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual) election held on _

20__, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.

4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was flied requesting referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20__ of

the (County)(City)(Town)(Viliage) of was duly passed by the

___________________ on 20__ , and was (approved)(not approved) (Name ofLegislative Body)

(repassed after disapproval) by the on 20__. Such local (Elective Chief Executive Office,·)

law was sUbject to permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of _

20__ , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.

• Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county-wide basis or, if there be none, the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local Jaws or ordinances.

008-0239-f-1 (Rev. 02/12) Page 3 of4

5" (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20__ of the City of having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election held on 20__ , became operative.

6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20__ of the County of State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General Election of November 20__, pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 oftha Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cities of said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general election, became operative.

(If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification.) I further. certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correc.t transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, W was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph ,1 above.

Iwn or Village Clerk or

(St!al) Date: -l.2:.2 c>-La,L

(Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorized attorney of locality.)


I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper oceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto. £..

Signature Town Attorney Title

County City of Ulster Town ---------------- ­


Date: 12120/2012

00S-0239-f-l (Rev. 02112) Page 4 of4

At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ulster held on December 20, 2012, called to order by Supervisor Quigley, and upon roll being called, the following roll was taken:


The following resolution was offered by Councilwonlan Cris Hendrick who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman JOml Morrow to wit:



WHEREAS, tIle Town Board of the TOWll ofUlster ("Town Board") adopted Local Law No.7 of2012 which amended Chapter 54 of the Town of Ulster Town Code [Fire Alarms and Burglar Alarms]; and

WHEREAS, portions of Local Law No.7 of2012 amending Chapter 54 of the Town of Ulster Town Code are more restrictive than the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code regarding the use of fire alarm systems in building construction, specifically mandating, inter alia, that in multiple-family dwellings, (1) smoke detectors shall be intelligent, addressable, and be part of the primary system; (2) one smoke detector for each common hallways and/or corridors, spacing to meet or exceed NFPA 72; (3) in storage areas exceeding 50 square feet, a minimum of one smoke detector and as many as may be necessary consistent with the manufacturer's specifications and recommended area of coverage; (4) smoke detectors shall be comlected to a central station monitoring facility that is "listed" by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), or any other nationally recognized testing agency, and ' approved by the Town of Ulster Building Department and (5) heat detectors shall be installed in boiler rooms, based on spacing requirements ofNFPA 72; and

WHEREAS, the legislative intent behind said Local Law was to protect the safety and public welfare of town residents, specifically those residents residing in senior citizen housing or other multiple-family dwellings, by mandating a state-of-the-art, integrated fire alarm system in all new multiple-fanlily dwellings; alld

WHEREAS, the Town of Ulster retained the services of a fire alarm system consultant in 2010 who recommended that the Town of Ulster revise its Town Code in order to be able to legally require more restrictive standards in fire alarm systems than the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code; and

WHEREAS, the Town COllducted a public hearing on the 20th day of September, 2012, pursuant to advance public notice duly published in the official newspaper of the Town, for the purposes of obtaining citizens' views prior to the adoption of Local Law No.7 of2012; and now, therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulster hereby autllorizes the Town Supervisor and the Town Attorney to execute and file a Petition to the New York State Department of State, Codes Division, with the required supporting documents, seeking to authorize the more restrictive local standards as codified in Chapter 54 of the Town Code of the Town of Ulster; and be it further

RESOLVED that Town Supervisor and Town Attorney are authorized to provide any such additional information as may be required to complete the Petition process; and be it further

RESOLVED, this Resolution shall become effective when adopted.


- Aye

WHEREUPON, the motion was duly adopted.


Town of Ulster - New York State Department of State Town of Ulster Building Department by the ... that is "listed" by Underwriters Laboratory ... scope ofthis article are devices which - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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