The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

324. 12-A- -THE PLAIN DEALER, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1989 Information provided by Accu-Weather, Inc. The Accu-Weather forecast is aired 60 times daily on The week ahead in the Cleveland area Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 77 Very windy, Blustery, Clouds and Clouds, Clouds and becoming colder. cold, flurries. sun, flurries.

chance of showers sunshine, cold. High 50, Low 27 High 30, Low 24 High 32, Low 24 High 38, Low 27 High 34, Low 24 TODAY'S WEATHER will be cloudy and windy; a showter or sho will occur this morning. High 50. Lake high 50. Lake water temperature 48.

Wind west at 15-30 mph, higher gusts. The afternoon will be colder with rain and snow showers. Flurries will occur tonight. Low 27. TOMORROW'S FORECAST Blustery and cold weather will continue tomorrow, with flurries and squalls.

The snowbelts east of the city will be likely to receive a large accumulation. High tomorrow just 30. Wind west to northwest at 15-30 mph. Tomorrow night will be cold, with additional flurries. Low 24.

EXTENDED FORECAST The weather will remain chilly through 'the end of the week. Clouds will break "for some sunshine Wednesday, with flurries. Thanksgiving Day will be cloudy, with rain or snow showers possible. Clouds will mix with sun Friday. ON THE ROAD For what to do in Northeast Ohio, phone 431-7000.

OHIO WEATHER: City Akron Athens Ashtabula Chillicothe Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dayton Findlay Mansfield Marietta Toledo Youngstown Zanesville Neighboring Erie, PA Huntingin, Richmond, Ft. Wayne, Wheeling, Sun. Today Tues. Wed. Cities pc WV 56'21 pc IN IN WV 34'27c Letter indications: c.

cloudy: ice: pc, partly cloudy; rain; Sunny: st, snow flurries: sh, showers; sn, snow; 1, thunderstorms. REGIONAL WEATHER: REGIONAL WEATHER: NE Ohio, NW and N.Y.: Today will begin mild, with clouds, then becoming windy and colder, with showers of rain and snow. Highs 46-54. Tonight and tomorrow will be windy and cold, with flurries and snow squalls. Lows tonight 22-28.

Highs tomorrow 28-34. YESTERDAY (through 10 p.m.) High temperature. 45 at 10:00 p.m. Low temperature 19 at 1:00 a.m. (Saturday High 35 Low 19 Temperature departure from normal: Yesterday: -9 Month: Year: Hourly Temperatures 7 a m.

24 3 m. 37 8 a.m. 25 4 p.m. 38 9 a.m. 26 5 p.m.

38 10 a.m. 28 6 p.m. 39 11 a.m. 29 7 p.m. 40 12 noon 31 8 p.m.

42 1 p.m. 32 9 p.m. 43 2 p.m. 35 10 p.m. 45 Ar.

Precipitation trace Month to date 2.92" normal. 1.70° normal 31.58* Barometer at .......30.16" TODAY Normal high temperature ................................47 Normal low temperature High temperature last year 48 Low temperature last year 41 Record high temperature 73 in 1931 Record low temperature 15 in 1851 COMFORT FACTORS Humidity at noon Barometer at noon 29.92", rising Wind Chill temperature: 8 a.m. 30 noon 15 4 p.m. Air quality good TODAY'S WEATHER CONDITIONS Lake DETROIT Michigan CHICAGO el TOLEDO FL Wayne Richmond INDIANAPOLIS CINCINNATI Central and SE Ohio, SW and W. Today will be windy, with a mild morning.

A few showers will occur. Highs 50-62. Tonight and tomorrow will be windy and cold, with flurries. Lows tonight 22-28. Highs tomorrow 32-42.

NW Ohio, and Chicago: Today will be windy, with partial sun. Snow will fall in north- 50) Seattle Billings Minneapolis New York DRY BLUSTERY Cleveland Chicago' San Francisco MILDER Denver WARM Kansas City Los Angeles WARM SUNNY Atlanta, El Paso NICE (80) Houston FRONTS Miami COLD WARM STATIONARY NATIONAL WEATHER SUMMARY: Gusty winds will usher warmer air into parts of the Northeast today, but colder air will begin to RAIN pour Vermont into the and New Great Lakes Hampshire this to afternoon. Virginia, with Showers showers will in extend the from PaZZZ SHOWERS FLURRIES SNOW ICE cific California Northwest. and southern warmest Arizona, with weather highs today wellino be the in 80s. Southern Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation.

Temperature lines are highs for the day. Forecasted individual temperatures are given for selected cities. 1989 Accu-Weather Inc. AND HIGH TEMPERATURES Lake Huron: TORONTO Lake Ontario, BUFFALO Lake Erie Erie 50) CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH COLUMBUS CHARLESTON Huntington' western Indiana. Highs 48-58, then falling.

Tonight and tomorrow will be partly cloudy. Lows tonight 22-28. Highs tomorrow 26-36. SW Ohio, and Mixed clouds and sun will prevail today. Highs 52-60, then temperatures will fall.

Tonight will be windy a and Lows 26-32. Tomorrow will be windy, with clouds. Highs 38-48. Salvadorans carry the coffins of six slain priests at a graveyard in San Salvador yesterday. AP Rebels bodies are in the streets.

and U.S. Ambassador William Walker were among those who attended the funeral Mass for the priests, their cook and her teen-age daughter. Rivera Damas said before the service "there exists the vehement presumption that the murders were committed by members of the farmed forces or people in intimate with them." Later, in his Sunday homily, Damas called the rebel offensive useless and unjustifiable and said the military response was excessive. Rivera Damas was asked about a letter sent by Attorney General Mauricio Colorado to Pope John More national, foreign news on Page 1-E Today's Forecast LAKE ERIE FORECAST Gale warnings will remain posted today. Wind will be west at 20-40 knots today before diminishing to 25-35 knots tonight.

Wind tomorrow will be west to northwest at similar speeds. Visibility today will be under a mile in showers and flurries; otherwise, 3-5 miles. Wave heights will average 6-10 feet today, subsiding to 4-8 feet tonight and tomorrow. TODAY'S ALMANAC New First Q. Full Last Q.

000 Nov 28 Dec 5 Dec 12 Dec 19 Rises Sets Sun 7:23 a.m. 5:07 p.m. Moon .7:55 1:21 p.m. Mercury a.m. 5:15 p.m.

Venus 11:13 a.m. 7:56 p.m. Mars .............5:54 a.m. 4:12 p.m. Jupiter 7:39 p.m.

10:43 a.m. Saturn 10:39 a.m. 7:52 p.m. Uranus .......10:11 a.m. 7:14 p.m, Jesuit priests pay tribute to 6 slain in El Salvador By DARRELL HOLLAND the priests did not believe the STAFF WRITER church's message of hope.

love and In a courage should be silenced. day, 15 priests concelebrated from the Mass Jesuit yester- com- "Their martyrdom was not munity at John Carroll University improvised," he said, but had remembered the courage and faith- grown out of their faithfulness in fulness of their colleagues who helping themselves. those who could not help were murdered Thursday in El Sal- The six vador. were among eight Jesuits During the liturgy at St. John who taught at the Jesuit-run uniCathedral, the priests wore green Jesuit versity, presence "essentially at the wiping out the vestments, a color that symbolizes their murders, said the school" by hope in Roman Catholic rites and Michael J.

Lavelle, Rev. is the universal symbol of new life. dent. JCU's presiThe alumni service before was their attended annual by break- JCU would McGrail take their predicted that others fast. place.

Lavelle While the priests re-enacted in said no members of the order here the Mass what Catholics believe is had plans to go to El Salvador. the sacrifice and death of Jesus. Lavelle resurrection said, "We rejoice in their they also recalled the commitment The Rev. and their glory." of their six colleagues in the Thomas L. Schubeck, a Society of Jesus in El Salvador to visited theologian the at house JCU who last year working for peace and justice for priests lived, said where he the did slain the poor.

believe not The priests remained in El Sal- Jesuits who priests, including some 70 vador despite many death threats Salvador, would continue to work in El from the right wing, church offi- abandon the peocials there have said. ple. "They were simple and honest He was responding to news that men," said the Rev. John A. the had asked attorney the general of El Salvador McGrail, the chaplain at JCU who ops whose pope to remove bishpreached the sermon.

"They gave gered because, lives might be endantheir lives for peace and reconcili- the official said, ation among the they had fomented violence. The Gospel lesson from Luke "If bishops and priests left, it included a warning from would leave the poor defenseless Jesus to his followers about perse- and without hope for peace and cution: "Some of you will be put to justice," Schubeck death. But not a hair of our head In an earlier statement, Clevewill perish." land Catholic Bishop Anthony M. Anthony M. McGrail said the six slain priests Pilla expressed outrage at the killwere dragged from their beds in ings and called on the Salvadoran the middle of the night and killed government to bring the killers to outside of their residence at a justice.

Jesuit university where they Diocesan officials report that taught people how to live and they are in daily contact with the about happiness, justice and truth. 10 Clevelanders working in three "A terrible deed was perpetrated mission stations sponsored by the in their deaths," McGrail said. diocese in El Salvador, that their have Church officials in El Salvador towns have been largely untouched reported that the six received by the current violence and that death threats last week during the there are no plans to civil strife there, but McGrail said home. bring them Elephant to have Caesarean SAN DIEGO (AP) Zoo veteri- scom. narians failed to remove a dead But the Caesarean poses a high 300-pound fetus from an Asian ele- risk of infection, Hanscom said.

phant Saturday, and plan to "We are extremely worried," he attempt a risky Caesarean section said. today to save the mother. "We wished to avoid a Caesarean Veterinarians fear Jean, the because it is such a major surgical floppy-eared 19-year old mother, operation," the spokesman said. could die a slow, painful death if Even if the operation is sucthe removed, said decomposing fetus is not cessful, healing could take months, San Diego Wild Ani- Hanscom said. States has pressured trying to ignore the bodies nearby.

mal Park spokesman Tom Han- Four 3 NATIONAL Yesterday's extremes, no. 95, Fraser, City Sun. Albany Albuquerque Amarillo Anchorage Asheville Aspen Atlanta Atlantic City Austin Baltimore Billings Birmingham Bismarck Boise Boston Brownsville Butlalo Burlington Caribou Casper Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Charlotte Cheyenne Chicago Columbia, SC Dallas Denver Des Moines Detroit Dubuque Duluth Paso Fairbanks Fargo Flagstaff Hartford Helena Houston Indianapolis Jackson, MS Jacksonville pc Juneau Kansas City Las Vegas Lexington Little Rock Los Angeles Louisville Madison Memphis Miami Milwaukee Mobile Minneapolis Montgomery Nashville New Orleans New York Norfolk Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, ME Portland, OR Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Richmond Rochester Rutland Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego San Francisco Santa Fe St. Ste.

Marie Seattle Shreveport Sioux Falls Spokane Syracuse Tampa Topeka Traverse City Tucson Washington Wichita Wilmington Letter indications: cloudy; sunny; st, snow flurries; TEMPERATURES continental U.S.: San Juan Capistra5 le 4. -7 Today Tues. Wed. pc 36'16sn ice. pc, partly cloudy; rain; sh, showers; sn, snow; 1, t-storms.

3 WORLD VACATION Today's conditions Acapulco Amsterdam Athens Auckland Bangkok Barbados Barcelona Beijing Beirut Belgrade Bombay Bonn Bertin Bermuda Brussels pc Buenos Aires Cairo Cancun Casablanca Copenhagen 48.34pc Dubai Dublin Edmonton Florence Freeport Geneva Glasgow Hamburg Helsinki Hilo Hong Kong Honolulu Istanbul Jerusalem Karachi Kiev Kingston Leningrad TEMPERATURES, TEMPERATURES Lima Lisbon London Madrid Manila Mexico City Milan Montreal Moscow Munich Nassau New Delhi Osto Ottawa Paris Perth Reykjavik Rio Riyadh Rome San Juan Sao Paulo Sapporo Seoul Shanghai Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tokyo Toronto Vienna Warsaw Winnipeg Vancouver Venice Yakutsk Zurich .4. 4 is AP Paul II asking that some bishops be removed from El Salvador for their safety. Colorado said the bishops were fomenting violence. The archbishop said he did not have the text of the letter, published by Sunday newspapers, but, threats I that have refer received to my some terse person." Colorado said he sent the letter as a private citizen. He mentioned no names in the letter but told reporters yesterday he was referring to Rivera Damas and auxiliery bishop Gregorio Rosa Chavez.

Colorado said he had information "confirming there is a plan to attempt against (the lives) of these church dignataries." They could be assassinated by any "resentful Colorado said. Members of Cristiani's right-wing Republican Nationalist Alliance have frequently criticized Jesuit priests as being sympathetic to the rebels. The United Cristiani to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the killings. In Washington, Sen. Christopher J.

Dodd, said yesterday Congress was likely to impose conditions on further U.S. aid to El Salvador if Cristiani fails to demonstrate he is firmly in control by January. The pope, speaking to thousands of people in St. Peter's Square, said the world was viewing "with profound apprehension the tragic events" in El Salvador. He said the Jesuit priests "were barbarically assassinated" and many other innocent people were killed.

He did not mention Colorado's appeal. An estimated 40,000 people in San Salvador's population of 1 million fled the battle zones during the offensive. As they returned to damaged or destroyed homes they poked through the ruins for possessions, PETE COPELAND REV. JOHN McGRAIL: Calls six Jesuits who were murdered in El Salvador men of courage and faithfulness. for dead fetus perform the three-hour including Joe Forner, a veterinary surgeon from the Illinois Equine Clinic.

Jim Oosterhuis, the park's director of veterinary services, will supervise the operation. Veterinarians confirmed Friday that Jean was carrying a dead fetus. Hanscom said the baby died in September from fetal distress after its legs were thrown forward and became wedged in' the birth canal during labor..

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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