The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

4. 12-BM THE PLAIN DEALER, SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1991 WEATHER triormation provided by Accu-Weather, Inc. The Accu-Weather forecast is aired 60 times dally on The week ahead in the Cleveland area Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday "Colder with Blustery with some Intervals of clouds Chance of Variably cloudy snow flurries. snow squalls. and sunshine.

snow showers. and cold. High 37, Low 19 High 19, Low 10 High 13, Low 4 High 27, Low 17 High 25, Low 15 TODAY'S WEATHER Today will tum colder with snow flurries. High today 37. -shore temperature will be 38.

Winds will northerty at 15- 30 mph. Tonight will be and cold with snow may leave several inches of accumulation. Low 19. TOMORROW'S FORECAST Tomorrow will be blustery and cold with snow squalls around the area. High 19.

Lake-shore temperature will be 20. Tomorrow night will be partly cloudy and very cold with a few flurries. Low tomorrow night will be 10. EXTENDED FORECAST Tuesday will be very cold with intervals of 'clouds and sunshine. High only 13.

Low Wednesday will become cloudy with a chance of snow: showers; it will be High 27. Low 17. Thursday will be variably cloudy and cold. High 25. Low.

15. ON THE ROAD For road conditions in phone 431-7000. OHIO WEATHER Northeast Ohio, Sat. Today Mon. Tues.

Akron Athens Ashtabula Chillicothe Cincinnati sf Cleveland Columbus Dayton Findlay Mansfield Mariotta Toledo Neighboring Cities Erie. PA Huntingtn. WV Richmond, IN Ft. Wayne. IN Nineeling, WV Letter Indications: s.

sunny: pc. partly cloudy: c. cloudy; sh, showers; (, thunderstorms; rain; st, snow flurries; sn, snow, ice. REGIONAL WEATHER NE Ohio, NW and N.Y.: Today will turn much colder with snow flurtries. Highs 35-40.

Tonight will be cloudy and cold with snow showers wand squalls. Lows 16-24. Tomorrow will bring more squalls near the lakes. 15-22. Central and SE Ohio, SW and Coptic leader sees swift end to war in gulf WILLIAM F.

MILLER YESTERDAY (through 10 p.m.) High temperature 48 at 3:30 p.m. Low temperature 31 at 3:00 a.m. (Friday High. 37 fLow 27 Temperature departure from normal: Yesterday: Month: Year: Hourly Temperatures 7 a.m. 33 3 p.m.

46 8 a.m. 32 4 p.m. 47 9 a.m. 33 5 p.m. 46 10 a.m.

37 6 p.m. 45 11 a.m. 41 7 p.m. 44 12 noon 45 8 p.m. 1 p.m.

46 9 p.m. 43 2 p.m. 46 10 p.m. 43 Precipitation trace Month to date 1.15° normal 1.52° Year to date 1.15* normal 1.52° Snow yesterday 0.0° Snow season 9.6* Barometer at 29.94* TODAY Normal high temperature Normal low temperature 18 High temperalure last year 41 Low temperature last year 23 Record high temperature 65 in 1906 Record low temperature 18 in 1985 COMFORT FACTORS TODAY Humidity at noon Barometer at noon 29.80". falling Wind Chill: 8 a.m.

29 noon 14 4 p.m. 11 Air quality good Seattle VERY Billings COLD SUNNY New York Minneapolis Cleveland Chicago Denver. San Francisco Kansas City CLOUDS Los Angeles Atlanta El Paso BRISK MILD Houston 4 FRONTS Miami COLD WARM 1 STATIONARY NATIONAL WEATHER SUMMARY: Very cold air will plunge southward into the Plains today. Only south Texas will remain mild 72 SHOWERS ASS RAIN ICE ries with will temperatures accompany in the cold 60s air and 70s. across the Some Great light snow Lakes and and flur- the FLURRIES BE SNOW Ohio Southeast.

Valley states. Clouds will break for limited sunshine in the I Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature lines are highs for the day. Forecasted temperatures are given for selected cities. Today's Forecast SKI FORECAST Much colder air will move into the region today and tonight.

With this cold air there will be some snow. Along the lakes there will be numerous snow squalls bringing several inches of new snow to the ski areas today and into most of tomorrow. Temperatures today will fall into the teens in the north to the twenties in the south. Tonight will be very cold with readings below zero in the north and in the low teens in the south. TODAY'S ALMANAC First O.

Full Last O. New 000 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb.

14 Sets Sun 7:49 a.m. 5:28 p.m. Moon 9:54 a.m. 10:35 p.m. Mercury 6:24 a.m.

3:38 p.m, Venus 8:56 a.m 7:02 p.m. Mars 12:51 p.m. 3:49 a.m. Jupiter 6:08 p.m. 8:33 a.m.

Saturn 7:44 a.m. 5:15 p.m. Uranus 6:43 a.m. 3:51 p.m. TEMPERATURES extremes, continental U.S.: Fort Myers.

83; Sat. Today Mon. Tues. 4T 42'23c 35 Bc 49'43r 38 20pc 64'46pc 59'33c 55'28s 43'21sn 28 8c 14 'Ost) 22'9s 41 25sf 29'9s 38'29c 259pc 38'29s 52'29s 1 41'25pc 54'47r 49'31pc sunny: pc, partly cloudy; cloudy: sh, t-storms: rain: sf, snow flurries; sn, snow: 4 Former RTA chief testifies he doesn't recall warnings By JAMES LAWLESS PLAIN DEALER REPORTER The former general manager of the Regional Transit Authority, who was repeatedly warned in memorandums of electrical dangers in bus shelters in the 1980s, said in depositions recently released that he did not recall the warnings. Both John V.

Terango, former RTA general manager, and Taras Szmagala, former RTA deputy general manager, repeatedly said, "I do not recall," "I know" or something similar when asked questions about issues related to the 1987. accidental electrocution of Robert F. Risberg, a 66-year-old Lakewood man. Risberg died when he stepped on an energized metal next to a downtown Lakeside Plate. RTA bus shelter.

City officials subsequently discovered the plate covered a faulty transformer, which was supposed to provide electricity to the shelter to light advertising. Terango and Szmagala were quizzed two months ago by lawyers for the Risberg family, which sued RTA and its two former managers, among others, for $30 million. Other defendants are the city of Cleveland, the electrical subcontractor that installed the electrified advertising panels and the firm that was handling the advertising contract for RTA. The depositions were only recently filed in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. Terango, under questioning from Michael Shane, a Risberg lawyer, said he could not recall ever having been alerted to the electrical dangers.

However, he had received a memo from RTA administrators in 1984 that told him the wiring in the shelters should be brought up 'to code. RTA sent out inspectors to look at shelters after Risberg was electrocuted, and even then, Terango said, he could not recall anyone telling him of the situation that records show existed that there was electricity to shelters that were not lighted. A 1986 memo brought up the issue of hazards again. Asked whether they were ever repaired, Terango said in the deposition, "Not that I know of." He also said he was never told where the electrocution took place, nor apparently did he ever ask. Asked what he did know, he said, "I knew they were lit." Then, he continued, "I guess I recall there were two light bulbs." After Risberg died, Terango wrote to the The Plain Dealer, complaining about the reporting of the 3 NATIONAL Yesterday's Gunnison, City Albany Albuquerque Amarillo Anchorage Asheville Aspen Atlanta Atlantic City Austin.

Baltimore Billings Birmingham Bismarck Boise Boston Brownsville Buffalo Burlington Caribou Casper Charleston, SC Charleston. WV Charlotte Cheyenne Chicago Columbia. SC Dallas Denver Des Moines Detroit Dubuque Duluth El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Flagstaff Hartford Helena Houston Indianapolis Jackson, MS Jacksonville Juneau Kansas City Las Vegas Lexington Little Rock Los Angeles Louisville Madison Memphis Miami Milwaukee Mobile Minneapolis Montgomery Nashville New Orleans New York 4 Norfolk Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, ME Portland, OR Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Richmond Rochester Rutland Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego San Francisco Santa Fe St. Ste.

Marie Seattle Shreveport Sioux Falls Spokane Syracuse Tampa Topeka Traverse City Tucson Washington Wichita Wilmington Letter indications: showers; I. Shane, in then asked. "Who did RTA have doing City Shelters' job of maintaining the electric of the shelter?" "I can't answer the question the way it's stated," Szmagala said. Asked if it was not clear, he said, "No, it's not clear enough. It's very broad." Shane said, "What's broad about it, sir? Precisely what's so broad about it? In 1983, you had City Shelters to shove the blame on for watching and taking care of the electrical supplies to these shelters, did you not?" Szmagala said, "I don't know when you say throw the blame on." After a bit of sparring, Szmagala said, "I'm not trying to be evasive." "Yes you are, sir, and I'm asking you a direct, simple question," Shane said.

Szmagala's lawyer, William Petro, interrupted, saying, "Ask a simple question and get a simple answer." Szmagala eventually, conceded that as far as he knew, one at RTA ever checked the power supply at the bus shelter where Risberg was killed. Whom did RTA hire to inspect it? "We hired nobody," Szmagala said. Szmagala was asked who installed the power to the shelter where Risberg was killed. He said he did not know. "Sir, did the power come from the sky?" Shane asked.

"No," said Szmagala. "I know where the power came Where? "It came from a box in the ground next to the shelter." Who installed the box? "I have no idea who put in the box." At the start of his second day of Szmagala was more forthcoming and said that City Shelters had not done an adequate job (the company went bankrupt) and that RTA was responsible for taking care of the shelters. In a key letter, Steve Polzin, who became known at RTA as the shelter czar, wrote to Szmagala in 1983 and warned, "the probability of an acci-. 'dent (shock) is relatively remote 14. given the fuses, the great deal of attention concerning this issue, and the clear noncompliance with electrical codes would leave us liable and susceptible to charges of gence." The $30 million civil trial was recently delayed a year by Judge Leslie B.

Wells to February 1992. Wells said the trial had to be put off because the defendants had 90 people from whom to take depositions. Shelters or who was responsible for the shelter defects. 1 1991 Accu-Weather, Inc. TODAY'S WEATHER CONDITIONS AND HIGH TEMPERATURES TORONTO Ontario BUFFALO DETROIT CHICAGO TOLEDO CLEVELAND FL PITTSBURGH INDIANAPOLIS Richmond COLUMBUS A CHARLESTON W.Va.: Today will be colder with a few the lakes.

Lows 0-18. Tomorrow will flurries. Highs Tonight will be be variably cloudy with snow flurries. mostly cloudy with snow showers. Highs 13-18.

Lows 20-28. Tomorrow will be variably SW Ohio, and Toclay cloudy with a few flurries. Highs 20-26. will be mostly cloudy with snow flurries NW Ohio, in the north. Highs 38-46.

Tonight will and Chicago: cloudy and brisk flurries: Highs mostly cloudy I PLAIN DEALER REPORTER Pope Shenouda III, the spiritual leader of 22 million Orthodox Christians, predicted here last night that the war in the Persian Gulf would be a short one, possibly lasting only four more days. He declined to explain the basis of his prediction, "In the near future we shall all know the outcome of the war." He said he was reluctant to discuss politics because die is. a religious leader. 1 Holy oil, not the fuel of the gulf war, brought the Egyptian pope of one of the oldest Christian churches in The world to Seven Hills. Shenouda, 67, will be here through tonight to investi-.

gate the seeping of an oily substance since May from two in St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church in Seven Hills. Some think the oil is miraculous. 3 Shenouda praised President Bush for ordering the bombing of only military targets and sparing the lives of Saiyilians. He met with Bush in September 1989.

Eight Seven Hills police officers provided security because of the Persian Gulf war, said Detective Ronald W. Durkm, who politely questioned all strangers entering the church. Two church members pointed out non-members but all attending were welcome. "We pray for peace and that not many will suffer in this war," the pope said. With his flowing gray beard and colorful vestments, Shenouda looks like a biblical patriarch.

Despite a hectic schedule, he laughs often during interviews, and The is genial and outgoing. Ironically, he was a hermit monk in his younger days, devoting himself to prayer, and study. He said he planned last night to interview five people who claimed to have been cured of medical problems Rafter being anointed with the icons' oil by the Rev. MikChail E. Mikhail, pastor of St.

Mark. Slikhail has received 15 letters from people who claimed they were cured of ailments because of the oil. Esthe pope said he would prefer to see written reports from doctors about the previous conditions of those heated, but doctors are reluctant to provide them. I cannot get doctors' reports, I'll make a decision them," he said. said he probably would decide later to issue a papal decree declaring the icon oil mo aculous.

Church members had hoped he would do so bere. said he appointed a committee of bishops to galher evidence on the icons of Jesus and the Virgin from which oil seeped as recently as last month. Five, bishops have visited the area to gather inforSpenouda frequently quoted and then located biblical elerences as he discussed the history of holy oil. oil is written about in both the New and Old so it has significance and symbolism in our religion," he said. Shenouda said holy oil made from olives is used in papiping and anointing altars and other religous all, I personally anointed with oil and blessed WORLD VACATION Today's Acapulco Amsterdam Athens Auckland.

Bangkok Barbados Barcelona Beijing Beirut Belgrade Bombay Bonn Berlin Bermuda Brussels Buenos Aires Cairo Cancun Casablanca Copenhagen Dubai Dublin Edmonton Florence Freeport Geneva Glasgow Hamburg Helsinki Hilo Hong Kong Honolutu Istanbul Jerusalem Karachi Kiev Kingston Leningrad conditions TEMPERATURES. TEMPERATURES Lima Lisbon London pc Madrid Manila. Mexico City Milan Montreal Moscow Munich Nassau New Delhi Oslo Ottawa Paris 48'38pc Perth 82'60pc Reykjavik Rio Riyadh Rome San Juan Sao Paulo Sapporo Seoul Shanghal Singapore Stockholm Sydney Tokyo Toronto Vienna Warsaw Winnipeg Vancouver Venice Yakutsk Zurich circ*mstances around Risberg's death. Asked about that letter in the deposition, he said, "This was written by the PR staff in. response to some, you know, ugly publicity we were receiving from The Plain Dealer and it was done in their vein.

It was a PR piece, not meant to be and I'm sure that the people that put it together treated it like that. I don't know that they did any thorough investigation." Asked Friday what that response meant, Terango referred calls to his lawyer, who could not be reached for comment. While Shane appears in the transcript of the deposition to have been generally patient while questioning Terango, he repeatedly blew up with Szmagala. Szmagala said he had nothing to do with electrical issues, only those dealing with economics and communications, even though memos warning of the electrical dangers were being sent to him for action or copies were sent to him. He said that if he had received such memos, he would have passed them the appropriate people, including City Shelters the company that was responsible for advertising on the shelters and shelter maintenance.

The exchange got particularly heated several times, according to the depositions. At one point, Szmagala said it was the RTA safety director's responsibility to handle "any potential hazard" if it were brought to his attention. Shane asked how that director would find out about the hazard. Szmagala said, "There are many ways he could have gotten it." "How?" Shane asked, "By the electrocution of someone?" Apparently the first notice of a safety problem with the wiring at the shelters was a 1980 memo from Les Varga, a senior RTA engineer, who wrote to his boss in 1980 that each shelter should be grounded. Szmagala said he did not recall.

discussing the electrical problems! or memos about them with Varga, nor with William Wunderlich, who was RTA supervisor for shelters. He' also said he doubted it was his responsibility for getting city permits for the shelters. In stories written shortly after Risberg died, The PD identified more than a dozen times that RTA management, including in direct memos to both Terango and Szmagala, was warned of the cal hazards. In another line of questioning, Szmagala said he did not know who was responsible for supervising City Today will be rather bring with snow squalls and morrow 25-32. Tonight will be and with more squalls near a few flurries.

Lows 22-29. Tobring a mixture of clouds sunshine. Highs 22-30. the seepage of oil from two icons. CIFRANIC Pope Shenouda Ill, spiritual leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church, is in Seven Hills to investigate the seepage of oil from two icons.

the altar, the church and the Jesus and Virign Mary icons when I was here in October of 1989 to consecrate. this new church," he said, referring to St. Mark. He also visited here in 1977 before the church was built. He said Seven Hills might have been selected for, the miracles because the number seven shows up throughout the Bible, including the Lord making the seventh day of the week a holy day.

The Coptic Church traces its beginning to its founding by St. Mark, an apostle of Jesus, in Alexandria, Egypt, in 40 A.D. Mark is said to be the author of the Gospel and the New Testament bearing his name Accompanying the pope were Bishop Poula of Tanta, Egypt, and Bishop Serapion of Cairo, Egypt. Shenouda will say Mass at 9:30 in the church, 2100 Pleasant Valley Rd. He will fly tonight to Los Angeles to attend a Coptic seminar and then attend a World Council of Churches meeting in Australia.

He visited the church's seminary in New Jersey before arriving in Cleveland at 3 p.m. yesterday. He went directly to the church to offer thanks and conducted a vesper service at 7 p.m. Dr. Shawki Habib, a Youngstown medical doctor, was among 150 people who greeted the pope when he arrived in the church at 4 p.m.

Habib said he and others were thrilled and honored by the visit. The congregation also has performed what some might call a minor miracle. With only 210 families, it built a $2.2 million church, meeting hall and offices on a prime piece of real estate. According to Mikhail, the is nearly paid for. The congregation was founded 21 years ago by five Egyptian-American families.

It draws members from Southern Ohio and adjoining states who have no Coptic churches. Most Coptic churches are in Egypt, Africa, Europe and Asia. 2 3.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.