The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

Pawa Loam MERCHANDISE Trucking Movina 10 DAYTON JOURNAL Mole and Femole Help Jj Painting Papering 1 Office Business Equipment 43 ALL TYPES of dairy, fountain and store equipment- Inquire 110 Maryland FU 8755 between 2 and 6 p. m. I Sleeping jtoomi DAYTON VIEW Comfortable front room (, for 2: private home; TA JSSl DAYTON VIEW Master bedroom; newTe decorated HAJT960. EAST END Large comfortable room; twla beds: for men. MA 6-vvt.

MASTER room, twin beds, single room. private baths, men TA 4634. LARGE roflnT-nicely furnished Military ollicer only. Privileges. HE 0554.

bAYTONVIEW-Rom for one. City and RA 3229. NICE room for 2 middla-aged women on second shift; use of kitchen; privilege; small family. KE 527L to. bill, led removed by tleam; quick, clean service KE S453 PAPERING 1944 SAMPLES VA 1907 HOUSE PAINTING.

guaranteed work right price. AD 2362 evenings to a. NO JOB TOO SMALL Call HF. 4 1 7 INSIDE AND OUTSIDE PAINTING KE 3549 HOUSE PAINTING, interior decorating, cabinet work, general carpenter repair and remodeling, w. K.


LAWRENCE SCHL'Tl FU 6747. FINER WALL CLEANERS experienced crews: dependable AD 57f7 Miscellaneous for Sal 37 COTS. 2 ME 0024 PREWAR ARMY FOLDING. FOR tractors and masonlte, see ad under classification 44, machinery; UPRIGHT STARR-PIANO and Ileatrola. like new.

228 Chestnut street. FARM TYPE portable gasoline engine. MA 1122. MAN'S navyblue suit2panTs. size 36 blue formal, trie 14; blue shoes, size bassinette and pad auto teat.

FUSS94. HARDWARE, paint, glass, rope and many scarce Items. If you can't find It elsewhere, trv Watson Watson. Liquidators, 423-429 W. Third St VICTROLA records, new and used.

1,500 to choose from. Large stock of novelties, jokes. Open till 12 p. m. N.

ajrid W. Sales. 1212 Tihrd. new. "A 2160.

BABY CARRIAGE. 2-tone, steel frame; ucrt )na tVtnn r- lu'? Hotels 54a MANHATTAN Resident Hotel-511 W. Third Rooms Now Available AD 0804 Rooms Unfurnished 55 rluUSE PAINT; all colors: $1 per gallon, i Eight large modern-equipped covered vans: ELECTROMAflC radio Victrola attach-BEST'S AUTO STORES. prompt courteous service Fireproof stor-j ment, like new: large feather bed, good 'JONES 2092 front rooms newly dec- 1129jCOMBINATION RCA radio and Victrola; Call after 5:30 p. m.

Bisll 142-2-roora accommodate 2-3 girls. BURNS, 418 2 modern front rooms, Chris! lanjiome; use of washer; adults. FOURTH, 1208 1-2-room aptsV; private entrance; near buses. PERKING 105 1-r'oom suitable for nearbus. PLUM 9 Light housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms.

SEc6nd7W 1541 2-room apt; adult; parking space; near huS; LARGE room to-share with one girl; private entrance. HE 9370. NEAR 1500" E. third; 1 and J-room clean, convenient, see these. AD 6809.

LARGE 1 and 2-room apartments, 119 Eagle St. Wanted Room, Board 57 BOARDING home for 6-year-old child, J50 per momn. Preferably in me country. Bo 149, Journal-Herald. MIDDLE-AGED business woman desires unfurnished room and evening meal In quiet home, near transportation; references exchanged.

Box 830, Journal-Herald. DuplexesFurnished 58 rooming house: and apartment. comply wnn i( regulations mj Sterling Tcol and Production Company Women and Men anted For all types factory and inspection work No experience necessary: top wages while learning Must comply with WMC regulations 915 VALLEY ST. FRIGIDAIRE All types of factory and office work available at attractive rates lor MEN AND WOMEN Apply at USES or Frigidaire Employment Office Monument and Taylor St. Must comply with WMC regulations Men and Women For war work.

Good pay. Dayfon Rubber 2342 W. RIverview Av. Must Comply With WMC ReguIations OFFICE GIRL SALESPEOPLE FULL OR PART TIME Must comply with WMC regulation WESTERN AUTO 1226 WEST THIRD ST. Male or Female Baggage Clerks Must comply with WMC regulations Apply Greyhound Bus Terminal First and Wilkinson Sts.

Dishwasher and Bus Boy Waitress Part-Time Highest wages paid to right party Must comply with WMC regulations THE HUNT CLUB Patterson Opposite the Carillon Sheet Metal Workers Drill Press Operators Production Lathe Operators Must comply with WMC regulations Aviation Electric Corp. DAYTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Vandalia, O. Men and Women Plant Work Nehi Bottling Co. 2608 W. Third St, Must Comply With WMC Regulations HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS AND BOYS Part-time or full-time.

Help us safeguard public health; good wages, clean work. We will train you to he experts. Crystal Laundry. 225 South Clinton, Take East Fifth St. Car to Stivers High.

Then Vi block North. Must comply with WMC regulations. MEN AND WOMEN For Assembly And Machine Shop Work Opportunities to become machine operator il unskilled GLOBE INDUSTRIES 125 SUNRISE PLACE Must Comply wit WMC Regulations. Situations Wanted Female 21 COLORED girl desires sleadv work by the nay: and cariare. me ows.

PRIEST or sister's housekeeper, Box 169, Journal-Herald. EXP. Colored cfrl Hcsires work by the day; and carfare. FU GIRL desires work in private family. Call HE 5777.

-z) Situations Wanted Male 22 A KEENER "want draft age! i NEAL 68 2-room, 3-room apt; girl preferred. HE 6633. RIVERVIEW, Near Salem Room. 3 girls In. a pt.

wit 2 girls. A 3074. SALEM, 435 Officer to share apt wilij? officers. AD 5585. Mrs.

Baker. WILLIAMS 2391 large room apt. nice married couple preferred; no children. AD 5050. WILMINGTON AV.

2-room basem*nt for 3 or after 5 pm. MA 2619. RAVENWOOD. 2014 Private" modern ef ficlency; employed, refined couple. bath, garage; adults': available at once.

Junction Olive 4 ROOMS and bath, completely" furnished, near ASC: $75 per month. Inquire 17 W. llehble Osborn. SANTACRUZ," 414 Clean studio room across front, Hollywood twin beds, re frigpratlon. light rookmg.

Duplexes Unfurnished 59 and I'nder 1 TE.ff MILTON 138 Miami nice 5-room apt. RA 3696. WILMINGTON 507 Unfurnished VfrpTriR outside painting. ME 3130. WALLPAPER SI FAMING C.

B. 8831 KEMTONE ALL COLORS-BEST'S AUTO STORES EXTERIOR FAINTING. No Sunday calls. WA PAPER CLEANED Guaranteed No Crumbs, No Streaks Paper Hanging: Samples Prompt and Dependable. ME 2392.

PAINTING wallpaper cleaning, Kemtone work. Boyd, MA 1586. KITCHEN" painting and woodwork. Call KE L'-ltW. Fieture Framing pirri'Pr rPiMivr.

upmiDT crprrcc EASEL ART SHOP. 91(5 N. MAIN. Plastering Stucco Cement CHIMNEYS cleaned, stuccoed and repaired waterproofing, cement and general repair; xi years experience. HE 4M0.

CARPENTER and cement repair work. Call KE 0227. CEMENT PATCH PLASTERING, chimney repair, stucco, waterproofing. FU 7790. ATTENTION.

HOME OWNERS Beautify your home with good cement work. Call mu 3Sio, Burton cement works. CHIMNEY REPAIR BY EXPERT CALLVI RGIL, AD6iO Professional Services CRYSTAL steam hath, oil rubs; experi- enced operators. HE 6661. Canny mng Radio Service FAST and dependable radio service; tubes.

Norm's Radio Service, AD 6o4S. PROMPT RADIO SERVICE Guaranteed reasonable Doty Radio Service. HE 0117 RADIO and phonograph service and repair. w. Hadio sound Service.

KA Pick up and deliver. FOR QUICK dependable radio service, call HE 3185. RADIO repair, pick up and delivery. Open evenings, for quicn service ran audoio. Refrigerator Servieo GA3-MOTOR-RLFRIGERAT0R SERVICE Charles L.

Ott, AD 5918. Roofing Siding FIX that leakv roof; A-l work; estimates: 20 yeawexnerience. AD A 74J1. DOES your roof leak? E-Z Terms; no down payment. AD 96K2 or TA 3915.

Sanding Refinishing FLOORS sanded and finished, nest of equipment. First-class work. MA SANDERS EDGERS ALSO SPINNERS For woodwork and Furniture TROY ST. BEDD1ES FU 1S21. SANDERS "ancTCVALLPAPER STEAMERS for rent.

200 Valley St. FU 9091. FLOOR SANDERS and ecigers for rent. K. L.

Conte, 1923 N. Main, TA 4621. Septic Tanks SEPTIC TANKS equip-ment; free estimates. FU 0932. "iEPTIC tanks, cess pools, toilets, cleaned an I repaired.

FU 5767. SEPTIC TANKS, toilets and cesspools cleaned. HE 6842. Sewing SLIP COVERS made to order; glider cushions re-covered; no material supplied. HE 5107.

Sewir.g Machine Repairs Sewing Machine Repair Service Electric or treadle. WAJ103L SEWING "MACHINES REPAIRED Any make; no charge for estimates. Prompt service SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 134 S. Ludlow St.

HE 1941 Sewers Cleaned SEWER cleaning: electric, hand equipped Harry Smith, HE 4.T68. Trucking Moving LIGHT HAULING OF ALL KINDS Including trash. FU 6067. LIGHT HOUSEHOLD odds" and ends; closed truck; quick; any time. FU 8670.

LIGHT MOVING Rcfrlgeratori aniTarlos; nl.n I'lt 11,1 'iT. MOVING -Loral and long dls- Kiine. uuy or ninr. storage. llr, wanted y.

and Jond from Louisville, Ky. FU 5762. FU 1497 fr hnulinc trash, dirt ami rm.ioi-. hauling AND MOVING of all kinds, noin day and nlcht. HE 54fi8.

LIGHT DELIVERY AND MOVING Move Yourself-Save Half HERTZ SYSTEM Opposite Mutual Home Bldg. tIT W. Second. HE 6301 LIGHT HAULING AND MOVING E. Side Auction, FU 9481 We AcceptFurnUure forMoving RENT A PADDED VAN Move yourself, save one-half Local and long distance (100-mile radius.

Who will itake better care pi your rurnuure man ijou? Pads, equipment furnished DAYTONTA PARKING GARAGE Oposiie Rike's, 30 W. Second. HE 4651 Moving-Storage LOWEST RATES IN CITY 1C aiso sprn casn mr pot I odd pieces of furniture. Dayton's largest movers. MILLER'S STEWART Moving and light hauling1; closed vans.

HE 5053. Woll Washing EXPERIENCED man wants washing FU 5tfl job, wall WosherRepairing MAYTAG WASHER factory parts, service, wringer rolls, parts for any washer. Washer-Lane, s. Jefferson, AD 6371. RAYNER'S washer service.

Any make washer repaired. RA 3S4Z If no answer, call RA 2516. WASHING MACHINES REPAIRED Call HE Immediate service. i WASHING machines repaired In your home. TA 8iua.

WASHING "MACHINE aerviceral! makes. Ohio Appliance Shop, 509 Xenia Av. KE 2141 or KE 9723. OIL, grease, wTinger rolls, belts, casters, parts and service for all make washers. Washing Machine Exchange, 300 Troy St, AD 0374.

AUTHORIZED factory service on Speed Queen and Easy washers, repairing, parts, white wringer rolls, motor arid lroner parts for all makes. Open evenings until 8 p. m. George L. Grove company, corner Hoover and Westwood Aves.

ME 2771. Well Drilling WELL DRILLING H. Stoltz, Antioch School Rd MO445S, Whitewashing POWER SPRAYING; reasonable. AD 1224. Schroll Coal Co.

FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 24 SMALL MACHINE SHOP, complete, like new: priced right. Box 159. Journal-Herald RESTAURANTS OF ALL TYPES See Bert Voss, 125 Valley St. FU 9051 GROCERY. $3,500.

showing good profits. i inner ioniner real estate. VICTOR SHROYER RA 8677 MANUFACTURING plant engaged in national postwar market Assets Inventory $10,000. No liabilities. $25,000 cash.

Ill-health. Box SSS. Journal-Herald. GROCERY and meat market at lnvolceT I nner Davton View. VICTOR H.

SHROYER RA 8677 RESTAURANT Good profitable business, rood only; factory district. Selling because of Illness. $2,500, terms if necessary. Box 59S. Journal-Herald.

1 LARGE REf AIT. MTT.k" Pnt'TF FOR SALE. WHITE CLOVER DAIRY. Engineering and Manufacturing Corporation Offers exceptional opportunity for permanent profit on small or large Investment. Competent person may secure active Interest if desired, HE 3784 FOR APPOINTMENT Also opportunity for established manufacturers to handle sub-contract on this program.

Wjinted Business Opportunities 25 -AFE D-3 or D-5 license; buv or lease Give details and price. Box 870, Journal-Herald. Wonted Money, Co pitol 2 8 ILL pay 8 per rent for $1,000 to s'whi wuruy. nc ou8b. Dogs Cats Birds Pets 29 x'Ll 5 FINE RED BONE HE 5223 REGISTERED American black, tan, coon iniunii years.

SMALL black and Ian rat terrier puppies for sale. 1414 Wayne Av. BOSTON stud service; son of "My Ad miral. I'hone New Lebanon 24-F4. co*ckER SPANIEL puppies; blonde, black.

rcn; a.ivu registered. 3116 E. Second siren. co*ckER PUPS Red, pure bred. Aullz.

India Rt-ffle Prf of Bcavertown, third house pairs and undetermined birds. Blues, yellows, greens, cinnamons and whites. Cages, iirsis, iseasoname. Also rabbits. Bred ujies, some wnn utters, id and up, 24 MfiiBfiin.

illVll Bl, Hoy Feed Plants Seed 32 1,000 BUSHELS Dunfie'ld soybeans." Harry rouis, at messier, -t-i. West Mi ton FLOWERS vegeiibTe'Dlanta- aiiVIMiT FenderGreenhouse, 70 Winnet TA 45Si uit.rn aiso oincr veeianie plants. Lang Greenhouse, 2327 Seventh Northndge. A rr.rrr.r,, tomaio ana cannage plants, on Fairfield and Bellbrook 1 mile south of Zimmerman at greenhouse. Phone KE i iosea on Sundays.

CERTIFIED seed potatoes, Maine cobblers and Maine Kathadins, Michigan Rural Russets. All In good condition. $3.50 per hundred, while they last. Greene County rami nurriiu. lo-up, 11 Mill u.

rnnne on. VVE have ,15 acres alfalfa. Would like to have made on shares. Howard Lane, bia-mond Mill Rd. 18-F-13, New Lebanon, or loiinu 0.111.

FLOWERS For garden and porch boxes Petunias. Marieolds. Asters. Salvia, Lail- tanas, Coleus, Geraniums, etc 1 25c Dozen and Up Hardert Flowers 440 Gramont ME 176 i Farmjquipmenr Supplies 33 FARMALL 12 tractor with cultivator, mounted plow. UDerty 42F32, GUERNSEY' COw-Fresh, with'Keifer calf.

Herbert Root, Miamisburg, 5U-J2. FARMALL tractor with ciiltivatorrmnunted plovforJCL K.Phinmshurg14-F12. NEW IDEA transplanter, good corn ilow. Vernon Clncinnati. JOHN DEERE TH ACTOR, model "B'-'sir," IB-inch bottom plow and cultivator.

Reason for selling, lack of help. Troy 0101 form Lond for Rent 33b KNOLLWOOD 3 acres "forgardenlng; rent or sell. AD 95S1. Farm Product 34 STRAWBERRIES Pick them yourself, no cents quart, bring Sunrt baskets, puking lime, 8 a. iu p.

m. Mumliia's Fiuit Farm, out Main to Dog turn right Vj mile. Telephone calls between 8-9 p. m. Form Labor Wonted 34a Strawberry Pickers Starting Monday.

Mnv 29. Groby'i Fruit Market, 11 miles south of Oak wood on Far Hills Av. Wont Perm Suppilet 3S WANTED Farm waunn; good" eondltlfjs. D. Thomas, 1057 Colwlck KE 45J6.

FU I lf Musical Instruments UPRIGHT PIANO, in excellent condition. 520 Ijwes St. Call WA 1344. COLBY piano, A-l condition, plain case; reasonable. HE 9088.

SR. COLLEGE music sludent wants to rent or store piano free; best of care given. FU 94.19 after 4:30 p. m. Musical Instruments Stores 48a WILL PAY CASH FOR USED HANDS Bruner's.


251 N. MAIN WAN I ED Accordion or Marimba. 4 oc tave rA3672. WANTED TO" fa'UY-misTral will pay cash 34 First St. Radios Ports Service RADIO analyzer, eliminator, oscillator and Wilcox-Gay semi-pro recording outfit.

KE 6432. Wanted to Buy 50 CASH fur your old electric cleaner, regardless oondiUonwillpickup. AD 3632, WANTED Power lawn mower, any size; In good condition. HE 3588. CEMENT mixer, 16-mm.

movie camera, cement wheelbarrow. TA 1144 after 9 a.m. WANTED Electric washer; good Condi tion; reasonable. WA 1381. HIGH PRICES for men's used clothing.

B. Rubin, 513 Corwin. FU 1344. WANTED Custer car, new or used. WA 79DJ or HE 1231.

ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Gobd con dition: 5. 6 or 7 cu. ft. HE 0975, WANTED Tricycle for 4-year-old child HE 7568. WANTED Lawn mower, regardless of age or conoinon.

n-i sreiner, HE U108. POWER lawn mower, prefer 30-in. rotary orrvriejype. MA 322S. after 5:30.

WANTED Sewing "machine, good reasonable. TA 3579 after6p.m. CASH for diamonds, old gold, lonn tteketsT JACK WERST. MIAMI SAVINGS BLDG. WANTED Electric refrigerator; pay cashi 4nj.vau aner ft p.m WANTED Good used adding machine, Call AD 7294.

WE BUY new and used fuT-futufe CALL FU 7012. M. D. HICKS CASH REGISTER, safe, adding machine" ma nnn. kk 2672.

eves, wa WANTED 300-fL chain length wire leruf mg. ti it. nign. fu 3371. 8 or 10-inch bench saw;" bench drill press" More Cash For Furniture Curly Silvers and Sons AD 3943 WE BUY Any Amount of Household Goods F.

S. Long Sons' FU 7671 CASH PAID. FOR Any amount ot used furniture. FU 9481. Eves.

FU 3372 after 6. CASH PAID FOR Any amount of used furniture. FU 9481. Eves. FU 3372 after 6.

$5,000 CASH FOR Furniture, rugs, itoves, by calling Dayton'f largest dealer In used household goods. WM buy any amount. We Always Pay More FU 1129 Miller's FU 1129 Coal co*ke Wood 51 CLEAN, DRY" KINDLING WE I DELIVER G. H. STEPHENS, FU 23-14 RENTALS Rooms With Board 52 FIFTH.

3429 Room, day meni iwinnens, Fields; plenty foods, TWO lovely front rooms; for men only; southern cook. KE ROOM and board; clean, phone service, only. RA 2131. GRAFTON AND NKAL--Rrcakfast, evening meal, for 1, $10; field, city bus. TA 4704.

Rest Homes 53 2 men. Wakefield Nursing Home. Phone Greenville, y. Sleeping Rooms 54 ADIRONDACK Girl to share room, 2 beds, laundry privileges, bus. WA 1370.

ALLEN, 272 double rooms, newly deco-rated refined people. BECKEL, 21 Twin room; men, couple: Field bus. HE3388 eves. BROADWAY, 114 Large room suitable for 2 HE 9354. BURKHARDT, 50 Lovely clean room; also man to share; twin beds.

BRIGHTWOOD, 410 Newlv furnished dou- ble room. Si Nea buses. FU 9443. CAT LP A DR. Room i or 2 refined girls-, private home.

RA 3972, CENTRAL AV 328 "dis- trict) Vacancies for 1,2 conveniences. 54 DRAKE AV. PRIVATE HOME. TWIN BEDS EVERETT 1115 Lovely room77ol 2 men; twin bed privil eges. A3035 EDGAR, 372 rooms, I double, 1 single; run rd gw-aerme private home.

FAIR VIEW. 55 Clean; near bus. TA 4338. FIRST, 1538 Clean, woman; 4501. FIVE OAKS, 828 Low rent fo7nlder woman willing to assist in light work ocasionally.

TA 2020. HERMAN. 2.352 pleasant rooms; near buses; men; private home; phone. HUFFMAN AV 1812 Girls community house; kitchen, laundry, square to Field bus, iy car line. MA 6235.

38 Large "room, nicely fui nlshed: 1 or 2 girls; square from Main. RA 4332. LEXINGTON, 29 Front, room; private- entrance; one-half square from hus TA1969. LIBERTY 202 nice, clean "rooms; 1 single, Jdouble; shower. AD 2734.

MAIN, 2339 Newly decorated room for laundry privileges. A 6826. MEDFORD, 107 Room for girl; ami iiiunnrypriviieges; near nus. MrPIIKRSON, 30 Room for 1 or 2, employed entrance. McCLURE 6-1 homel adult.

MA 8743 or RA 1083. NEAL, 616 Salem-Grand district; large double, also single; laundry, basem*nt kitchenette privileges; field, city bus, TA 4701. PHIT2, private entrancebus lines. RIVERVIEW, near Salemhns permanent. HE 3383.

RICHMOND, 10 Ixively room, twin beds; men; near Salem center; bus. TA 2216. SUNSET Nice7cool, clean room suitable for business people or office girls; downtown location, walking ninni io iniru ana Mam. call after 5 p.m. STT I cmCATKVTtW-McrZeintMm or grnueman.

ivr SALEM AV.Large twin bedroom lor men; near bus. RA 6620. SALEM, 435 Vacancy, ioto(tketi. XT) SALEM NEAR" GRAND 2 studio rooms' private entrance, couple or girls. RA 4324.

SUPERIOR A 1019 Large room ryvi' TA 6938. SUPERIOR, 828 Nice room for 2 girls; near hns; private home: nrlvlWes STEELE. ifil'-CooTroom, twin bed." Two men. rnvaie er.i ranee. ffl-Large room for 2 girls or couple.

HE 9370. Do lor a aying wllh children 2 nights a week. nun line, victor a NieiynfTh7rfrlmT75oS: 'T or couple. A 3.381. WARDER ST.

43 men- nvY. VnlA liitme TIC WliOE, "209-Hcnu*tirul fnmrtWlnoom, tile hath, shower, 3 large windows, bus. XENIA AV. Twin room for men, private' enlriince and bulh. KK 3031.

YALK AV. lloom for Rerillimenlnprlvd'(e home, shower, Kiirngn, bus, TA IIOOMS FOR IIENT. MKNtm" WOMEN a liU RkAK VL-A-F iu. rottm ror nice mil. near bus and NCR.

MA 7826. ROOM fur 2 women or and garaire optional. MA 3712, DAYTON VIEW Nice; rool, corner room for a men or employed couple In private home. HE 4S93. DAYTON VI FAVf Jltrnen prlvllegAi; Cuy tMd Iwf MAVBROOX i SdJ 2S W.

FIFTH IM. 49 Thursday, June 1, 194 Molt He'p Wonted 17 FnrrinpArinrr Must capable ct making and checking layouts from detail drawings. Prefer men with machine shop background: excellent wages ana working conditions. Must com ply with WMC regulations. APPLY Chandler-Evans Corp.

1M5 NICHOLAS RD. Trolley Coach Operators. Mechanics, Body Finisher Full or Part Time. Whole or part time, steady employment now and postwar-Must comply with WMC regulations CALL BETWEEN 9 AND 4 P. M.

520 Washington St. TOP WAGES METAL MAN CAR WASHER PAINT REFIN1SHER Must be experienced on all types In auto body reconditioning. Must Comply With WMC Regulations 4 BURNS AUTO 21-10 N. MAIN RA 1138 DETAILER to learn designing of plastic molds. Excellent opportunity for ambitious hieh school graduate.

Must be out of the draft. Must comply with WMC regulations. KURZ-KASCH, Inc. 1421 S. Broadway Boys, Men Wanted You can perform a patriotic duty and render an essential public service as com munications carriers tun or part-time work atier school Apply The Western Union Telegraph Company 28 SOUTH JEFFERSON STREET Must comply with WMC regulations.

Appliance Servicemen For washers, stoves and radios, full time or part time. Apply employment office Seventh Floor The Rike-Kumler Co. Must comply with WMC regulations. HOTEL CLERK Excellent opportunity for steady position; light, congenial work with good pay and opportunity for advancement; experience desired but not essential if willing to learn; age no handicap If you are active and neat. Must comply with WMC regulations.

Call J. C. Germain, Lollis Hotel, Troy, Ohio. TIRE MEN For Service and Recapping. Permanent work; good pay.

Must comply with WMC regulations. Main One Dayton Tires, Incorporated 210 W. SECOND ST, SALESMAN Permanent connection now and after the war. Good salary Must comply with WMC regulations National Biscuit Co. 114 S.

TERRY Lubrication Man Experience NOT necessary; steady work: good pay. PORTER Daytime: steady: good pay. Must comply with WMC JENKINS AUTO 647 W. Third St. Rough Grinders Needed Part or Full-Time Must Comply With WMC Regulations I Apply The Joyce-Cridland Co.

2027 E. First St. KK 5113 METAL MAN GOOD PAY and conditions Must comply with WMC regulations DTMMV MOTOR SALES rJ-ilNlN I 1605 N. MAIN Male and Female Help 1 9 BOOKKEEPER Musi comply with WMC regulations, 419 W. Falrview.

MAN or man and woman, residents of East Davton, for caretaker of church. KE S635. IMPROVE your spare time with Paw-leigh's; business above average. AD 4549, 2 BARTENDERS (colored). 1 bar waiter (colored), 1 sandwich counterman (white cirl to operate soda bar, stenographer, hotel clerk.

Apply In person at Patterson Field Officers liud, Patterson rieia. wusi comply with WMC regulations. SEWING machine operator, factory work' era; good pay, Kravitz Bag 426 Burns av. Must comply wnn wiu regulations STEAM TABLE HELP No Sun. or noil- dav work.

Hours 11 a.m. to 9 n.m McShane's Grill, 36 W. Third. Must com ply with WMC regulations. NEED a couple to ta incomplete charge of an Oakw'ood apt.

bldg. small 3-room apt. available to live In; work consists of firing boiler, cleaning, lawn work, every duty about the bldg. other extra work that we have will require a man full time and our salary arrangement will he at tractive. Besides free rent, heat, light and gas, an active couple In this work should make a good Income and he able to save some money.

Must comply with WMC reg ulations. L. H. Steinman 232 N. Ludlow.

COOK Man or woman. Goodpay. Mut comply with WMC regulations AD 05S2, ask for manager, 34 W. Fifth. GAS STATION ATTENDANT Toung man or young woman No experience needed.

Start your business career with Goodyear training. See Mr. stoodt. Goodyear Service. First and Ludlow.

Must comply with WMC regulations. WAR WORK Steady employment In one of America's growing industries; cood wages; excellent opportunity for students during vacation. Must comply with WMC regulations. LAU BLOWER CO. 2001 Home Av.

PERMANENT POSITION Downtown office hns opening for conscientious and dependable person over 25 for telephone and collection work. Replv to Box 961, Journal -Herald. Must comply with WMC regulations. Applications taken now tor summer part-time work Refreshments, cashiers, ride, etc. Apply in person; no phone calls 9 to and I to 8 m.

daily. Restaurant building. Frankie'r Forest Park White Short-Order Night Cook PAT'S 2725 Linden Av. Must Comply Wllh WMC Regulation! TIME STUDY CLERK To work on lime study analysis with possibilities of developing Into field of Job analysts and etslusllon: should have mm' tvperlenct In time study work; excellent wages and working conditions. Must com-Piy with WMC regulations.

Apply iChandler-Evans Corp. 1315 NICHOLAS Pp. CASH REGISTER, good condition. DESK, swivel chairs. tvoewTiter.

tviw- wrifer desk, adding machine, sales, steel Ming cabinets, ttc. F.oont 210, Ludlow Bidg. FREEZERS Delivery 2 Weeks ICE CREAM FROSTY MILK P. H. SMITH WW RIDGEWOOD WA 225 MachineryTools 44 a NUMBER DRILLS 1-60 RA 8- INCH SOUTH BEND screw chasing lathe: band-turning lathe, with collet and hand bar F'U 5 and Tpm.

9- IN. BENCH LATHE, motorized: 1 large drill press, motorized: electric forge: mill vise, double compound. 373-R, Franklin, belween 7:30 and After 4:30 call Franklin VACUUM TUBE volt meter. millarneTers; volt meters, ammeters, D. C.

and A. C. Instrument! repaired and calibrated. Call TA 15W. 9 LATHES, JO to 28-ln.

awing. 4 to bed L. G. and Q. a S.

and LeBInnd tool and cutter grinders; surface grinder; shapers. planars; 40-ton Llmco electric press Single phase motors to; 3 FARM TRACTORS. K. 40 and W. 30 on 13x50-ln.

rubber. 3 Fordsons with lift plows and magneto. 8xl6-ln Inside marble finish masonlte, 5c 12.000 ft. Telephone PA 07S5 and HI 5570, Mardis Machinery, 433 E. Pearl Cincinnati, Ohio.

AIR COMPRESSOR'S" NEW AND USED Moore Equipment Co. 226 W. Third. AD 3121 Distributors for Tngersoll-Rand and Westlnghouse jyumbjngrleating Supplies 45 DDSTOP-FUters-Fiberglass; complete stock, wnoiesaie. retail.

4U3 Wayne. Ni Building Material 46 USED LUMBER AND PACKING BOXES 131 Hollencamp STORM SASH, insulation, screen doors. combination doors, windows, door frames, molding: Uni-Rol overhead garage doors, stepladders, window screens. Direct Mill-work, 15 Council, HE 2442. -IN.

PLYWOOD dlmenaidn box oak and pmo iioormg; carey rooting. Rough pine. 2x4 and box lumber, 6 cents per board foot. Plenty of insulation and ivallboard. Becher Lumber Co.

ME 2691. ONE INSIDE DOOR, 1 set double doors. HE 7953. FOR YOUR DRIVEWAY Use crushed blue limestone blacktop paving, also agricultural limestone. BLUE ROCK, INC.

Phone MAdlson 8721 NEW AND USED Building Material of all kinds. Chicken houses, hoghouses, caJJins, theater chairs. Tomato Stakes Building Stone SHARTZER WRECKER AND EXCAVATOR Buyer of Surplus Stock rOO ALBANY ST. FU 8878 Next Door to Standard Register Household Goods 47 KITCHEN cabinet, RA 3277. natural wood finish.

OVERSTUFFED CHAIR, A-l CONDITION RA 2570 TILT-BACK chair and ottoman, perfect condition; spring construction. KE 6567. WALNUT BED complete, Simmons springs; AD 645j. BREABAST SET. LIKE NEW.

RA 1452 TWIN BEDS, chest, night' tableTnaby bed; good condition. WA 17S5 after 6 p.m. DINING ROOM TABLE 6 "chairs," sI3e board; radio cabinet; cheap. AD 4779. DINING ROOM SET Bleached mahogany; umiiuase ana oicycie.

WA 4Jr4 HOODED babv bassinette with bottom, $8. in fiaynes. iviA rio-l. OAK dinette set, kitchen cabinet base. rust living room rug with pad.

TA 7437. DOUBLE BED with" springs', sludio couch ann sup covers. KE 1011. HOUSEHOLD book-cases, office desk; no dealers. MA 7559.

DAVENPORT and chnlr, davenport upright piano. TA 5739. I KITCHEN CABINET, solid oak, porcelain top, like new. S9GroveAv. BEDROOM SUITE.

3-piece, walnut; coll spring and inncrspring mattress. KE 0059, RADIO, 3-wav "portable; also" table" model radio, HE H.I81. RADIO, table model: excellent condition; J22.218Cambrirlge. WALNUT bedroom suits. 6-piece, in good condition.

237 W. Norman. RA 8112. 3RbOMS prewar furniture: refrigerator-gas range. 1S2314 Catalpa Dr.

afternoons only. DINING SUTTE, waTnut, 9 pieces: mahog. any bedroom suite, 5 pieces: GE radio. 2026 King Av. KE7433 after4 pm.

BEDROOM SUITE, blonde "maple; glider, sewing machine, smoking cabinet, telephone stand, bridge lamp, co*cktail table. TA 5136. OVERSTUFFED living room iulte, 3 pieces: good condition. 1626 Leo St. AD 3397.

LOVE SEAT, French design, very unusuaX J135; beautiful living room chair, $50.1 BothJIke new. KE 5987 TWO lamps, living room oak breakfast set, bedroom suite, sewing machine, miscellaneous. FU 6469, 412 N. Mathison St. RUGS 2 9x12.

cood condition. 1 naT Carl Krauss. Patterson St (Viviuht Heightsi, Osborn, after 6 p.m. or Sunday. FLOOR model radio." 9x12 "rue.

nrewnr mohair davenport and chair, blue, chrome set, nookcase, bedroom suite, 4472 Corinth Blvd. KIDNEY-STYLE davenport and chair, at tractive slip covers, perfect condition; reasonable. 132 Gushing Av. WA 5676, TABLE model combination radio and phonograph. modern white kero sene range, $33.50.

20 N. Upland Av, ME 2868. CHILD'S roll-top desk and swivel chair, pnnnograph. lady's standard grip bowling ball and leather hag, tahle radio. MA 3712.

MATCHING oak huffef and china" closet," 5iu eacn; walnut occasional chair, porcelain top table. S3. KE 5113. TABLE and floor model radios, all kinds, -n ann up. tor sale or trade.

119 Eagle St. LARGE sofa, green tapestry, soft cushions, $10, or will trade for sofa bed with springs, In good condition. 1333 Superior, Apt, 2. RA 5339. 2 METAL beds and springs, 1 round table and hurfet: 1 mirror and 1 bookcase.

414 Av. 9x18 rug. Good condition. After p.m. s.

Southlyn I)r. P1I1LCO radio, floor model; Simmons stu- dio couch: lituarv lahln girl bicycle. 2813 W. Third. llE 6091 OAK library table, chair; walnut desk; wicker rmker: 2 leather antique chairs; 2 renter tables; 2 brass beds, mattresses; gas healer; 3-hurncr gas hot plate; collapsible baby buggy; odd chairs, dressers, 1014 W.

RIverview. 2-PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITrTTSHSf chair wnn nitoman, S.K); twin bedroom suite, box springs and mattress, $285; 2 9x12 rugs, $10 each; metal unit cabinets, $25; radio, 10-tuhe. $83; dinette buffet, modern. ME 1853. JENNY LIND bed, Innerrprlhg mattress: also dining room suite.

MA 7717. BLOND baby bed complete with maTchlng BAY BED. special cotton mattress, heavy square stand FU 6592. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 532 Wntervllel. JIJA2d id Thu rsda y.

E9H87. Household Goods Stores 47a WRINGER ROLLS: washer repairing. W. H. Reichard, 17 N.

Jefferson. AD 9641. COMPLETE terms'. MAY'S EXCHANGE STORE E. Fifth St.

NEW REFRIGERATOR Automatic, Vltalnlre and Coolerntor; sna, rial prices: nunlllv limited. S1XEIAAV. Ri.rr,o-e Drtc. Yi-rjl iuiio FU 1892 ALL MAKES 22 W. FIFTH Furniture, Stoves.

Ruq3 THIRD We Retail Every Day IIARD-TO GET AND PREWAR ITEMS In new and used furniture, rugs, radios, plniios, electric wnshers, refrlgemlors, etc, Open Monday and Wednesday 7 lo 9 ii.t 41, iw MILLER 502 Third St. EVERY TUESDAY 7 P. M. Musical Instrements 48 PiRGfTS-legged g'ooo! condl- 1334 E. Third prlght Piano, $35.

"Wagmnrv1 1842 Richard St, TA i oakwooa prelerreu. Bon M0. Journal-ICALL 41 Dodge, fluid drive sedan; new rubber, new Ileatrola, 4-room heater. AD 6075, after p. m.

LAWN MOWER sharpener, wood A :015 Raven- PURE MAPLE SYRUP Special prlre for 10 days only, $3.99 gal. Koch's Appliance, Onterville. 1 to 9 p. m. ARMY LOCKERS Packing Trunks, All Sizes LtbertvPawn Shopra SJerrerson ibUO-TORinrlnerator, 42-in.

cabinet sink complete. Iron enamel corner stand, 20-gal. automatic water heater, damaged; odd size storm doors; double sink, damaged; some odd-size toilet bowls, used Duro water softener, new brine tank, gasoline power mower on rubber tires, hand-built, $50; 5 h. p. 3-phase motor, $40; mandril for large saw, $20; approximately 9 squares white askestos shingles, some damaged, $45; tiO ft.

of wire romex, size 8. The Outlet. 1307 E. Fifth St. FU 36S2.

Antiques Coins Starpt 38 GLASS, dishes, chair and Jewelry; also misc. 142 Lawn St. ANTIQUES Furniture. Open week-days. Easthrowne.

R. 71, W. Greenville. O. Diamonds Jewelry 40 REAL bargains in unredeemed diamonds.

JACK WERST. MIAMI SAVINGS BLDG. LADIES' white gold diamond wedding hand. Call MO 8-S534 after 3 p. m.

Miss tiuuer. Wearing Apparel 41 FUR COATS Red fox. $250; silver fox. 5150: bougnt last season, 0758. OAT 100 wool.

large fox collar; black wool suit: both like new, size 12. Reas- onable. Also shoes, SMA. WA 5735. Shoes 41a NEW SHOES RATIONED Reclaimed used Army shoes, knee length rubber boots NOT RATIONED.

Dexter, 35 N. Jefferson. House Trailers 42 NEW MOON, '42. A-l, must be seen to appreciate vanie. 5bl2 w.ThirdSt.

Ei.CAR. '39; 22 ft. 108 room attacfieT: $775. S. Degenhart Trailer Camp, near DRIVE-IN TRAILER PARK 2714 VALLEY PIKE ROUTE 69 Finest by comparison: large 20x40 lots.

ample sanitary and- service accommodations in large heated buildings; bus stop lor ileitis and schools. Children welcome. SILVERMOON, 24-ft. trailer; practically new; o-piy tires; sleeps ouiu-in radio A-l condition. 300 Cherokee rear.

18-FT. BARGAIN Rear of B. Snyder and Sons Construction office. 2300 Watervleit. INSULATED CABINS You owe It to yourself to see these cabins before buying; compare the material, work- mansnio and price.

We build 16 and 20-foot cabins; no down payment; monthly payments as low as $13.50. B. M. Co 2 miles out Brandt Pk. HE 0577.

WA 2804. FOR WARNER ELECTRIC BRAKES For vour house trailer. See us' nvtnn iraner Kentai, 3io w. Third. FU 8997 Bargain, '41, '42 Trailers Highest Cash Paid for Tsert Tra ilera BONE TRAILER SALES, Fifth and Perry NATIONAL Castle Trailer, '41: 25-ft.

Like jew. fciectric brakes, refrigerator; tires; fully carpeted; Duro-Therm heater, with thermostatic controlled blower. Riverside Trailer Camp, 5136 Springfield Pk. SCHULTZ TRAILER. '41 22-ft.

Completely modern: 5S00. HE 3462. Cabins De Luxe, Regular Insulated, 'portable, plenty of windows. No down payment Monthly payments ai low $12. Buy tr best.

South end of Euclid Av. Wilson Co.TA 5783 evening CAN USE 25 CLEAN USED TRAILERS Mester Trailer Sales 3005 New Troy Pk. TA 38I2 19-12 Luxor, 24 11.. in-u aupenor, L'l SI, 125- 1940 National, 23 1912 Silver Dome, 20 $875; 1938 Bender. 23 ft sk.tO; 1939 Bender, 18 $175.


Reeder Opens DIXIE TRAILER -SALES Showing the New 1944 Royal Streamlite Kozy Piatt Trailer Homes More beautiful and luxurious. Equipped with new tires and brakes. Many Reconditioned Trailers to Choose From Low down payments; 24 months to pay WE BUY SELL TRADE Look Before You Buy Dixie Trailer Sales 3S99 N. DtXIE DR. TA 7733 Camping Sporting Goods 42a holster, shen 'contalner, and IS roundB.

209 N. Williams. THOMPSON Del.uxe7H-ft. steering wheel and running lights. MA 5912.

WILL PAY SlOO for good 17-ft. canoes. The Boathouse, 1928 Riverside Dr. ONE 10-ft. boat," imall; S-h.

outboard1 motor. ME 3K12. 22 H. racing motor. Mark" W.

Beechwood.r- RA 4M. for rent, J5.00 per week. Brork and MarFarland, 11 Ridge Av. WILL BUY anv size outboard motor. Brock and MacFarland, 11 Ridge A v.

CANOE WANT El'" KE 9413 12-FOOT Wolverine boat with lights, steenngwhee trailer. TA2369ftcr6 Tfi H. P. JOHNSON motor; Thompson boat fully equipped and trailer. Ludlow Radiator Service, 34 Franklin St.

3S0 REMINGTON automatic, 3R0 Colt automatic, 38 Smith-Weston revolver, 6-in. barrel, 32 Savage automatic, 32 Colt auto-mnllrJK-15 W. Third St. NEW and reclaimed pup icnts, ranfeens" pistol and shell belts, rhino pnnls and shirts; mnnv other'new and used Hems. Dexter Sales, 35 Jefferson, (OIlTAfSLE phonoginph; 12 Sl.iiMci- 5 p.m.

Office Businen Equipment 43 AUTOMATIC feed Globe Tool and Engineering MA BEAUTY SIKH iliyer," llnlllttcir 4 hood. 18-15 W.Thiril SI. BEAUTY" pat lor eiin'miciii, 3 snld. Permanent wave machine, 2 driers, porcelain sink, water softener, chairs, tables and supplies. Waller S.

Weaver, National Military Home, ME 22RI, r.wiiii'iVr.NT 2 show rases grease trays; nnn grease trays; nnngnnut oven: 1 na per rarks; kitchen sink; wash howl; ha nery uvrn; ranies; i cnairs: ens heat stove: electric dish washer; 10 gallons reri fautw vi? riraianivivw at. KerriRcrators a specialty; FU 7548 'lnn cniirrn. RENT a trailer; move yourself; tra'ilerijCASARIES singers and hens. Mated nascment a rooms; adults only; reas onable for caretakers' duties. WA 4695.

2 to TROY 134 MODERN APT. Adults only. HE 4627 4 ROOMS, hath, 2 couple. AD 9096. porches.

Middleaged FOUNTAIN, 67. 2-room apt. prefer 1 or 2 employed girls. RA 3077. $.16 to III) 3 3-ROOM steam heat.

AD 0982 $46 to I SHADOWLAWNT614 Off 600 Patterson 1-bed type for couple: East Oakwood near bus, no range or refrigerator; $50. WA 2414. Miscellaneous GLENBECK 58 Southern Hills. 4- room apt. Must comply with War Housing ula ion s.

A 0963. Houses To Short) 60 apt In new suburi ban home; share bath and kitchen; 10 mm-utes to Field. MA 1086. DOWNTOWN. 232 N.

Wilkinson, opening mr i gin in loveiy reference ex-changed. Apply after 5:30 p. m. Houses Furnished 61 PATTERlON ST. fWf leht View" Helehis 2-room; 5 minutes from ASC; employed couple, 2 girls.

Carl Krauss, R. 1, 6 m.orSunday. furnished "cottage. MA 3892, between 9 and 11 a. m.

uses nf urnlshed I Lodge Notices EDISON 13ti 3 rooms, aemlmodem; no cnilfiren. $S6 and Up NEW BRICK month 2 bedrooms; refrigerators furnished 300 3. Fountain. Springfield Phone 3719 Vacation Places 64 COTTAGES, BOATS at Schmleder'i Island, LakeLoramie, J9vie O. VALLEY CHAUTAUQUA Modern furnished summer cottage; vacation rentals.

For reservation phone Franklin 159-JU or write William Carlson, Post Office Box 5. Franklin, Ohto. WOULD like'trTpurchase or rent for season cottage not over 25 miles from Dayton. JinxJpl, Dayton. Clean, Modern Cottages Call Shroyer'i.

Indian Lake, for reservation lore 5-2683, Lakevlew, Ohio. Business Property 66 15x40 FLOOR SPACE; downtown location Mr. Haley, Ohio Hotel. to 8,000 sq. ft.

storage space; also will consider storage space with office, or will share In office; also expense of stenographer and bookkeeper. TA 1045. Garages Parking Space 66a WANTED Garage In vicinity ofTriTTAvT Wanted to Rent or Lease 67 2 ADULTS Furnished not over $100. Miss Scott. ADJ111 ext.

269. A FURNISHED rooming" house by ex per I- encedwwnan. Box 820, Journal-Herald, BEFORE JULY-1-5, 8 or 7-room unfur. nishedhouse; 4 In family. MA 3164.

UNFURNISHED 5 to 7. rooms, "prefer Oa wood jperm a nent; re ference. WA 5735. OFFICER and wife urgently need small apt. or house furnished; references.

Please PhoneKE 1078. MOTHER and child want to ahare apt. or house; Daytonlana; references exchanged, Box 9fW Journal; Herald. COUPLE wish to share home In exchange for are of child or children. Call KE 7977 or 1 1 E8324.

5- OR 6-RiX)M modern single home by middle-aged Dayton couple In good resl dentinl section. TA 7947, EFFICIENCY nearvntrTwirA young wqman located In Dayton piV manenlly; references. FU S168, call 9-5, 5- OR'6-ROOM iinfurnished'honse, nle with 5-month-oia baby. Draft exempt. MA Ff'fiNISHEr) HOME: child; $100.

Miss Scott, AD 1111, Ext. Fl I I IE D-iiou se family of Ion residents; West Side preferred. HS PROFESSIONAL man desires 3 or 4-bed-room unfurnished house for duration. Prefer Dayton View. Home owner In an other city, who knows how to care for rroperty.

RA7458. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE $50 REWARD 2-hedroom unfurnished house or apartment. Professional man and adult family, permanently located In Day ton. Call FU 4115. MIDDLE-AGED "couple; no children; Day ton residents 18 years, want 5 or 6-room modern single house In good residential section.


City or suburban. Excellent business and social references. Will guarantee perfect care of property and furnishings. Willing to pay 3 months rent In advance. PHONE AD 2161 JXT.1429.

EMPLOYED middle-aged woman wants 2 or3-roornfumlshedapnrtment; WAJ2634. CIViLiAN COUPLE Furnished amail aptt Miss AD 1111, ext. 269. FURNISHED home north of city. Officer and wile.

Write Box 850, Journal-Herald nrphone RA 1 to 3 Unfurnished Adult'" TA 49-11. REAL ESTATE Announcements 69 I'ltoT'iTitTY- miinngcmrnr, Industrial; rest. deiillul.YATKM Hrally AD 9197. WE HAVE BUYERS your farm "or place of business. Call AD 4104.

WK SELL. 'UKNTT MANAtiE lesldenTlal and commercial real rotate. II, STEINMAN ono, HE 1141 Wanted Real Istote HOMES All kinds; sales service. Good, KE 8481. 70 ok e-nouM bungalow, vicinity corf Chrlstl Dayton Vlei or Riverside.

Ci or oU heat, TA 7163. Herald. BUSINESS SERVICE Carpet Rug Cleaning COMPLETE SERVICE on rugs or carpets; altering, repairing, mending, sewing, dyeing, shampooing, carpets made and laid, padding sold; upholstery cleaned. CRYSTAL RUG AD 3143. 5 R7RUG UPHOLSTERY, CLEANERS.

Rugs cleaned shampooed, alzed. AD 2772. BANNER UPHOLSTERING CO. KE 462L Furnit ure, rugs cleaned prompt service. OHIO RUG CLEANING CO.

FU 8242 Rugs, living room suites cleaned. Reliable. Carpenter Repairing CARPENTER repairing and remodeling: 30 yearperience prompt service. MA 6352 PICKET NC I LT Call TA 4151. PICKET FENCES and all kind's carpenter repair work done at once.

ME 4735. Cistern Cleonina CISTERNS Filters builU cleaned, repaired Guaranteed. Chas. M. Sitton, MA 5181 1 Electrical ELECTRICAL repair: receptacles, fixtures Installed; house wiring.

T.A 4742. CLOCKS, irons and fans repaired and sold 806 E. Fifth St. AD 45S5. Exterminators DOING business for 56 years We get resultsRoaches, Bedbugs, Moths; fumigate with HCN gas.

Termite rontrol, 5-year guarantee. Ace Pest Control. "26 E. Fifth HE 481. FurnaceepjijringCJeaning Have your furnace cleaned now before the busy season We ran clean and service all makes stokers and oil burners.

All parts available. Factory-trained help. EAST SIDE STOKER AND OIL BURNER SERVICE HE 4975 FURNACES Taken Down and Rebuilt with New Cement, $8.50 NEW FURNACES FOR REPLACEMENT We Have Repair Parts lor All Baxter Furnace Co. l9J9North Main Free Inspection TAJ472 Landscape Service Supplies GOOD river boltonTtnp per lonrl Office, FU 53-11; after 6 p. m.

and 3171 fltEE SURGERY, tree planting, iliruhhery aoddTie old Uwn.nhMiV. Wfn1 -rnJi-b, I RLE TRIMMING and cutting; cement 6ny 27Hl3 EXPERIENCED landscaping. Ve do sod- SHRUBS, evergreens, grading, seeding, fer- fi1 i. uiizing, spraying, tree aurgery. Atyme.

Gradinq Soddinq FERTILIZING, EXCAVATING, "DRIVEWAYS. GENERAL LAN DCA PING, GEORGE A. STEARNS. ME 3046 SODDING Sod delivered. 4 acres clean sod for sale, AD 6569.

Launderinq CURTAINS STRETCHED CALL HE 6223. WASHINGS only; "no other no de liveries; reliable party. FU 3565. 1URTAINS washed. Ironed, and stretched In my home.

FU 4374. CURTAINS, spreads, lacefabieclofhY "slip coyersniankets, quilt 1 1). FIX) rierienced laundering at home. Phone FU 4374. WASHINGS and ironlngsdon In my home; no deliveries.

A I) 6772. LAUNDRY WORK DONE No deliveries. MA 87S8. Lawn Mower Repair LAWN MOWER grinding unit" rebuilding. 557 RrlEhtwn.Hl, KII LAWN MOWER grinding, iling.

Joe Deis, I'm Beverly Drexel. Plano Tuning lUN'G a sncciaMv: wmi liEPAIRING a specially; work gi'iTiT-HntceoT fartory exn estimates free. WA 3.186. Painting Paperlnq PAPER CLEANING: walls flndp7irchcs washed. Call HE after fl p.

m. OLD WALLPAPER REMOVEI) BY STEAM moven. puuil. 510 W. Third.

FU 8997. MOVING, tranferring, and storage: crating and shipping, 613 Warren St. AD 4873. ai hneii going back in business. -i JL0.untE9gjrSjippllef 30! BABY CHICKS Mapleiawn" Hatchery, out iiiiuiti FRYERS, ROASTERS Alive, 2237 Nomad, RA 3S39jfter2 m.

v.w 4y-u. BABY CHICKS: custom hatching. Phone hrncrifir A ,1 Iti 1. Union, Ohio. Vtat Itlillnn 'in.

Utila'i ilalohapn BABY CHICKS, turkey poults, ducks; cus- torn hatching turkey, hen. duck eggs. Eaton Eledric Hatcherv Phone 32. BABY CHICKS KIMMEL'S 1515 W. Third FU 56-11 BABY and starfed chicks; quality and satisfaction for 19 years.

Jeffries Hatcheries. West Alexandria and Brookvllle BUY YOUR CHICKS NOW The government Is asking hatcheries to Close soon. Don I put oil ordering bany chicks or started chicks. Hatches each Monday and Thursday during Jure. Towns-le'y Hatchery, Xcn i a Ohio.

Phone 129. Rabbjti 30a DUTCH rabbits, black and white, hutch; reasonable. 136 Allen St. RABBITS New" Zealand whites, 3 bucks, 1 registered, 3 does, 2 with litters. KE 22S2.

RABBITS 40 bred does, some witOtters. Whites, reds, blacks and chinchillas, $3 and un 3 pedigreed burks. crocks and hutches. Also canaries. Entire breeding stock of 50 About nil colors, Including white 24 S.

Northampton Drevel. Horses Cattle Stock 31 FRESlfcoW Grade Jersey. BislerTMA BALED i If ul fa buy, registered Jersey coV: with calf. 1 IE 02.10. 3 GUERNSEY hull calves.

Corner Vnion and Manning road, Miitmisburg 5.I3-R2. REGISTERED llampsnlre ewes and'rams. RA 8937, weekdays only, 7 to 7. 8 CRASS steers; 400 BOO, nice. JohnV.

HiU R. R. 11, Davton. O. FAMILrcc)vrrrjerieyderhy.

Call RA87I9. ann union mans, jonn L. Kemp, WEANLING Hamsnhire pigs: Duroc gilts. Registered Hampshire young boar. Belgian mare colt, year old.

Stevens Farm, Wild Cat Rd. Phone AD 1244, MO 4217. SADDLE horses and ponies; work horses; 8 hnd springers; Guernseys and Jerseys; saddles, harness, collars, pads any size; mowers, potato diggers. Bert Stephenson andSon, Fairgrounds, Springfield, Ohio. BAY MARE.

5 yrs. old', "l.WibV, registered Hampshire hoar, vear old, j-15. C. A. King.

Philllpshure, WF4. STrft-SERVICE-Sandy" KlngrTenhessee PONY, STUD SERVICE "KINO TONY" Beautiful spotted Shetland. A proven sire Guaranteed service. Visitors welcomed. Fred Graef.

2228 Ma nle Grove RA WW DEAD STOCK REMOVED Prompt and Clean Service DAYTON FERTILIZER Hogs, Sheep, Calves and Colls Removed Call Reverse Charges! KE W'U A. SON DAYTON, OHIO Quick Service for Dead Stock Hogs, Sheep, Calves, Colls Removed Xenia Fertilizer Phrme 454 Xenia or Springfield 8211 Reverse charges Burhslcb, Inc. i puses, KA 10B9..

The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.