Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

4. tin 14 MARION LEADER-TRIBUNE L. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, .1933. AND JEFF Jeff May Be No Doctor, But He Found The Right Prescription By BUD WHAT'S WITH YOU WRONG I I NEED CART A STAND DOCTOR, THIS MUTT! LAND? -I WOT THOUGHT THE I DON'T NEVER BE FELT BETTER) I ARE YOU SEA- LIFE ANY LONGER YOU SICK. IN MY LIFE! -WAS SICK AGAIN, IM SICK OHH IM GONNA DIE! HAR EA Swap Farm Produce in Your Cellar for Work You Need Done LEADER-TRIBUNE PATTERN MONEY for Your Urgent Needs When you need money for any worthy purpose, see the American Security Co.

Loans made on household goods, automobiles, livestock, etc. Quick, Confidential Service. Call, phone or write "Nearly Everyone Uses Our Money" The American Security Co. of Indiana, Inc. Ground Floor Glass Block PHONE 2500 1 SOME FINE BUYS USED CARS 1932 Ford Truck ton.

1931 Chevrolet Sedan. 1931 Willys Sedan. 1930 Auburn Sedan. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. 1930 Pontiac Coach.

1930 Ford Roadster. 1929 Packard 7 Pass Sedan. 1928 Buick Coupe. 1928 Ford Sedan. 1927 Hudson Coach.

1927 Hudson Sedan. 1927 International Truck, ton. 1926 Indiana Truck, ton. 1926 Studebaker Coach. 1926 Auburn Roadster.

1926 Pontiac Sedan. Marion Motors, Inc. V. E. BROMLEY, Mgr.

509-511 S. Adams St. POODLE CAUSES RIFT Denver- Being forced to sleep with friend wife's pet poodle does not constitute cruelty in the eyes of the Denver divorce courts. District Judge Henry A. Calvert recently denied Harold D.

a divorce from Thelma A. Moodie on those grounds. MARIAN MARTIN PLANS JUMPER FOR UTILITY Complete, Diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart Included PATTERN 9836 The jumper frock is little sister's choice for school and play and Mothers readily agree, for it's most practical garment. With one jumper fashioned of a sheer wool, Jersey or cotton, she may have sereral adorable cotton "blouses, or warm, sweaters -making a new COBturme each time she wears it. This one closes with tricky scalloped details on the shoulders and boasts skirt pleats for animation.

The guimpe is darling youthful collar and perky sleeves. Pattern 9836 may be ordered only in sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Size 8 requires 1 1-8 yards 54 inch fabric and 1 yard 36 inch contrasting. Send 15c in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for each Marian Martin pattern. Be sure to write plainly your name, address.

the style number and size of each pattern. The Marian Martin pattern book shows all the current style highlights. This book will guide you to a distinctive wardrobe at little cost. Send for it today. Price of pattero hook 15c, book and pattern together, 25c.

Send your order to Leader-Tribune Pattern Department, 610 South Adams street, Marion, Indiana. Five senators in the United States congress are foreign-born. They are: Couzens of Michigan, and Herbert of Rhode Island, born in Canada; of New York, native of Germany; Davis of Pennsylvania, Wales, and Gingham, Connecticut, born in Hawaii when it was alien territory. Chicago Produce Chicago, Dec. 22.

Produce quotations- Butter--Receipts 6,886 tubs; market firm; old cars 5, new creamery extras and standards extra Firsts' Arsts seconds 14c; specials Eggs 4,026 cases; market easy; old cars 3, new current 15c; fresh extra firsts fresh firsts dirties and checks 10 Cheese--Twins Daisies and Longhorns Live poultry-Turkeys and young hens 14c, young Toms 14c. old 10 hens Leghorn hens Leghorn chickens roosters 6c; ducks geese Potatoes Receipts 55 cars; on track 203; U. S. shipments 522; Wisconsin round whites unclassified Idaho Russets, open mug pack regular pack combination grade No. 2 Minnesota Red River Ohios Colorado McClures 2 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY APPLES Michigan Baldwins, Wagners, Greenings, 65c.

Also other Bring containers. 3119 So. Adama. Plenty of Nice Used Cars NEW DE SOTOSNEW PLYMOUTHS COMING SOON Cher. Sport $445 1933 Plymouth air wheels, new, discount.

1933 Plymouth Sedan, used $475 1933 Ford Tudor $475 1932 Ply. Coach last series $400 Chevrolet Coach $395 1932 Chevrolet Sedan $425 Chevrolet Coupe $383 1932 Ford Coupe V-8 $375 1932 Ford Tudor V-8 $395 1931 Chevrolet Coach $295 1931 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coupe $300 1931 Ford Coach $275 1931 Ford Coupe $275 1931 Ford Sedan $275 1930 Ford Sedan $195 1930 Ford Roadster 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 6WW $240 1930 Chevrolet Coupe $185 Pontiac Coupe $225 1930 Morman Sedan $225 1929 Chevrolet Coupe, clean $135 1929 Olds Coach $145 1929 Chevrolet Sedan $145 1929 Chevrolet Coupe $125 1929 Chrysler 75 $250 1929 DeSoto Coach $185 1929 Whippet 6 Coach $125 Essex Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe $120 1929 Whippet Roadster 85 1928 Essex Coach 60 1928 Chevrolet Roadster 50 1928 Ford 70 1928 Ford Hoadster 85 1928 Chrysler Coupe 75 1928 Whippet Coach 60 1927 Essex Coach 45 1927 Stearns-Knight Cp. 75 1926 Model Truck 25 1926 Overland Coach 25 Studebaker Sedan, good 30 1933 2-ton Dodge Tractor and Trailer $1,550 MANY OTHERS TERMS TO ALL STOKES 221 West Second St. TOUGH ON MILES Oklahoma City, Okla. -Despite his pleas, Dwight Mills was fined $19 and costs on each of three charges.

"Your honor," said Miles, "I had a pistol but I wasn't drunk because I talked to the officers about the early frost." The total penalty inflicted for the three charges--drunkenness, driving while drunk and carrying a pistol--was $60. COLORED NOTES The public is invited to "attend the pre-Christmas dinner and supper to be served today at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m.

at 410 South Adam's street under the auspices of the "One More Effort Club" of Bethel A. M. E. church. A turkey dinner has been planned.

Mrs. Estle Bray Is Ill at her home, 440 Lomax street. The local N. A. C.

P. chorus, Marion Harmony Four quartet and the Girls' Gospel Singers will render a musical program Christmas Day at 2 p. m. at Stimson Hall of the U. S.

Veterans' Hospital for the benefit of the hospital patients. Cleveland Live Stock Cleveland, December 22-Hogs Receipts market active, mostly 10c lower; top and bulk $3.40. An American has been named ad advisor to the Colombian Government in framing petroleum legislation. FORBIDDEN VALLEY by William Byron Mowers THE WEATHER INDIANA -Partly cloudy in central and south, unsettled in eXtreme north, possibly rain extreme northwest portion Saturday; Sunday rain, somewhat northeast, ILLINOIS Partly cloudy in south, unsettled in north, probably rain in extreme north Saturday; Sunday afternoon.de in west portion in OHIO-Fair in south, cloudy and somewhat colder in north portion Saturday; Sunday cloudy probably followed by rain. KENTUCKY-Fair Saturday and probably Sunday, continued mild temperature.

Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 BULL PUPS--Make nice Christmas gifts. The continuation of this and other unusual bargains and buys will be found in today's Want Ads! ANNOUNCEMENTS Notices BEAUTIFUL Ringlet Ends Croquinole Permanents, $1 up. Maude 308 West Fifth St. Phone 260. Strayed, Lost, Found 10 "EASTERN with diamond in center, chain attached, lost in or outside of Penny's.

Reward. 415 Adams, Brandt's Cafe. Phone 6019. LOST TOY TERRIER Male, brown. Phone 3135.

AUTOMOTIVE Automoblies for Sale GOOD MOTOR CARS 1925 Ford Tudor, $25; 1930 Olds Coach, with trunk and side mounts; 1929 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, 6 w. 1929 Plymouth Coupe, 1929 Ford Coupe. 1927 Ford Whippet Coach, $60; Touring, $25; 1925 Ford Pickup, $20; 1928 Chrysler $452" 3 Coach, 1929 Ford Tudor, 1928 Whippet Sedan, 1932 Ford V-8 Ford Coupe, 1928 Tudor, 1927 Chevrolet Essex Coach, Sedan, 1931 1929 Whippet Sedan, 1929 Whippet Coach, one Nash Roadster, $35; 1926 Chevrolet Coach, good; 1924 Ford Ton Truck, $30. Cash, Terms 'and Trade. PULLEY TIRE MOTOR SALES 417 North Washington St.

SEVEN REAL BUYS: 1932 PLYMOUTH COUPE Last series. 1932 PLYMOUTH COUPE First series. DODGE new TRUCK- dual Chassis and cab, tires; fine for dump work. 1929 HUDSON SPORT SEDAN. 1929 FORD SPORT ROADSTER.

1926 SEDAN. 1928 DODGE -TON Chassis cab. Call for Demonstration, GLEN ROBINSON, INC. And Wash. Sts.

Phone 162. STUDEBAKER-5-passenger sedan. Trade for equity in 1933 Chevrolet or Ford Coach Miller Bros. 734 Lincoln Blvd. TWO Christmas Specials Saturday -L 1930 Ford Model A onlyTudor.

1930 Chevrolet Coach. MARION TIRE BATTERY CO. 716-18 South Adams St. 1929 NASH-Sedan. Motor and body A-No.

1 condition, $200. 112 West 6th Phone 2960. 50 Good Used Cars STOKES 221 W. Second St. Phone 1081.

Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 ANTI FREEZE--Denatured alcohol, 60c gallon. Bring your can. J. McATEE CO. 812 So.

Boots. Phone 1387. Lees, 407 Iroquois. Phone 2551. SPECIAL SALE Now on French Oil Croquingole Permanents, $1.

BUY HIM-A gift for His car. Auto Heaters, Electric Frost Shields, Robes, Radios, Automatic Windshield Wipers, etc. H. J. SCHRADER CO.

Fourth Boots. Phone 734. FOR-No. 1 workmanship on wreck. ed cars, see Klaus Auto Service, 303 West Second St.

USED TIRES Bargains; used parts for nearly all cars. Hartley Auto Wrecking 29th Adam Sts. WE WILL- -Repair your car with no down payment. Pay 8 small amount each two weeks. TRIANGLE MOTORS 309 W.

Second St. Phone 375. BUSINESS SERVICE Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 LIKE -Soft water! Try "Uniflow" or "Duro" Water Softeners. Howard Swanger Co, Phone 894. 5 BUSINESS SERVICE Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 GOOD Roof Coating, per gallon, 50c.

Bring your container, pocket the difference. Southall Company, 817 South McClure St. insurance and Surety Bonds 23 INSURANCE- Ask about our lower term rates. Pay annually. Popcorn for sale.

Elt Coats. UNDERWRITERS BROKERS, Insurance is not Side Line, Phone 500 or 501. Moving, Trucking Storage 25 AVAILABLE STORAGE- And Moving: padded van. Marion Outfitters, Inc. Phone 832.

Typewriters and Supplies 27A A SMITH CORONA A CORONA FOUR A REBUILT L. C. SMITH Makes 8 Present. BECKLEY TYPEWRITER SUPPLY CO. 124 East Fifth St.

Phone 136. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 WANTED Girl. good cook and housekeeper. Only two in family. Chronicle Box 1951.

Situatione Wanted Male 37 WANTED- -Farm work by young man, 24, single, experienced, references. Board and small wages. Homer Weikal. Route 2, Box 158. INSTRUCTION Local Instruction Classes 43 GET READY NOW -For increased business activity.

Attend day or night school. Mid-winter term, Dec. 26 to Jan. 2. Ask for Bulletin explaining rates, terms and courses.

Marion Business College. LIVE STOCK Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 BOSTON-Terrier, toy, pup, fullblooded, nicely marked. Quality Cleaners. Gas City. Phone 40.

BULL PUPS Make nice Christmas gifts. Inquire Groom Drug So. Square. Phone 129. FOX TERRIER PUPS For sale.

Edward De Wolf, Upland, Ind. PUPS Two small-type terriers. Cheap. 435 N. Boots St.

TOY BOSTON PUPPIES- -Very reasonable. Buy your child one for Christmas. Phone 1518-W. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 ATTENTION FARMERS Morton's Smoked Salt, 10-16. can, 85c; 50-lb.

bucket, $2.60. GRANT COAL FEED CO. 215 E. Bradford. Phone 3022.

2 GUERNSEY CALVES-11 months old. Eligible to register. Della Porter, phone 864. Upland, Ind. Wanted -Live Stock 50 HIDES--For honest weight and best prices, see L.

Klain Son, 1725 West Nelson St. Phone 1686. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 BOYS Wagons, Tricycles, Skates. Swanger McClain. SHOW CASE-5-foot, suitable for pastry or candy; cheap.

Phone Gas City 247-M. Building Materials 53 COAL- -For heat, comfort and economy, a ton from Wilkinson Coal Company. Phone 454. Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers 56 ALL COAL Sold with a money back guarantee. Prompt deliverjes to all parts of the city.

Baum Williamson Coal Co. Phone 963 and 964. BIG LUMP Kentucky Coal, $6.65 delivered. I. E.

Braden, 1811 George St. Phone 542. -And Kentucky Coals at moderate prices. 1727 W. Nelson.

Phone 232. General Supply Co. Good Things to Eat GOOD -Apples cheap. Jay's Market, Jonesboro, Marion. Bring baskets TURKEYS Free delivery.

Ribb Turkey Ranch. Phone 17311, Van Buren, Ind. TURKEYS-12c and up. E. E.

Burkhart, Van Household Goods 59 CEDAR CHEST- Walnut finish, A-1 condition; $13.95. Bargain Basem*nt, Johnston Furniture Co. G. A. LEMON- -The Mover, is now handling Used Furniture, Stoves.

Sixth Branson Sta. Phone 1592. MOHAIR-Living room sulte, 5 pieces, good condition, very reasonable. 1502 Spencer Ave. RANGE Marion, Electric; good condition; reasonable.

Forty-sixth Race Sta. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds 60 DIAMOND- -And Watch pledges at fraction of their original cost. delay, only a few left. Marion Loan 206-207 Iroquois Bldg. Musical Merchandise 62 FINE- Victor Cabinet Radio; reasonable.

Broyles Electric Company, 119 West Fourth St. MERCHANDISE Musical Merchandise 62 SP'ARTON RADIO-8 tubes, originally cost $370. Can be purchased for a fraction. of its former price. Butler Music Company.

MEDICINE- Cabinets Mirrors. Specials at the Stores, 64 Swanger McClain. Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, etc. MARION PAINT CO. Opposite Paramount Theatre.

RADIOS Buy a Grunow or Zenith Radio Set for your family for Christmas. $29.95 and up. SOUTH MARION FURNITURE CO. 3108-10 S. Wash.

Phone 962-W. TABLE OIL CLOTH- -First quality, all colors; 10c, 20c, 30c per yard. HENDEY'S 509 So. Wash. St.

Phone 146. WASHERS AND SWEEPERS -For Christmas Presents; $1 per week. Broyles Electric W. Fourth St. REDUCTION--On all Heating Stoves.

Montgomery Ward 117 East Third St. Gift Suggestions BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTINGS See them. They will surely solve one of your Christmas problems. L. J.

McAtee 312 S. Boots. BIBLES For Christmas Gifts. Freel Mason Drug Company. ARTISTS' SUPPLIESStudents' Oil Painting Sets, Water Color Sets, Oil Tube Colors, Brushes, Palettes, Canvas, Easels, Oils and Dryers, made by Devoe Reynolds.

The most complete stock in Marion. Make this store your Headquarters for Art Supplies. RENDEY'S 509 So. Wash. St.

Phone 146. CANDY- -Fresh home made by Marion people; in business for 35 years. Special prices for churches and schools. New York Candy CHRISTMAS CANDY Large assortment, always fresh, 10c to 20c lb. Special prices to schools and churches if bought in quantities.

Marion Paint 213 S. Wash. St. DESKS--Writing, with upholstered for student or home, Spinet Desks, $9.95, $15, $22.50. South Marion Furniture 3108- 3110 South Washington St.

ELECTRIC- Waffle Irons, Sad Irons, Toasters, are useful presents. Swanger McClain. IDEAL- -Gifts for Christmas, Bibles. Mason Drug Company. LAST- -MINUTE SPECIAL--A Toy Coupe or Dump Truck that actually runs five hours on a set of four flashlight batteries.

Also has electric headlights. Special price, $1.29. Montgomery Ward 117 East Third St. MIRRORS And inexpensive Pictures. Beautifully framed.

All shapes and sizes. New low prices. Also Venetian Mirrors. These make highly appreciated gifts. McAtee's, 312 South Boots St.

MINK FURS-Fine, 2-piece seta. J. Skinner, Jonesboro, R. R. 1.

PLENTY-Of New Bicycles, $22.50 up; Tricycles, $2.50 and Used Bikes, $8 and up. All kinds, all sizes. Trade the old bike in. Pulley's, 417 N. Washington St.

SCHRAFT'S box candies for Her Christmas. Cigars, cigarettes, smokers' articles for. Him. Christmas wrapping paper, 10c per roll. L.

P. Cubberley Tobacco Company. Frank (Cubberley) Tukey. SEE -Freel Mason Drug Company for Christmas Gift Bibles. TABLES Occasional Tables, $2.50, $5.50 and up; Walnut End Tables, $1.50, $2.50 up; Smoking Stands, $1.50, $2.50, $3.95.

South Marion Furniture 3108-10 So. Wash. THIS- Will be a practical Christmas. Buy gifts for the home. Wallpaper, Paint, Varntsh.

L. J. 312 South Boots St. WAGON -Red Engine, "World large coaster wagons with rubber tires. Special while they last, $2.86.

South Marion Furniture 3108-10 So. Wash. St. WHISTLING Tea Kettles, Pyrex, Dripolators and Waterless Cookers McClain. Wanted To Buy 66 GOOD TYPEWRITER- be reasonably priced.

Phone 2696. LAUNDRY STOVE -4-hole, good condition; wanted. Phone 3235-J. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms without Board $2 WEEK Modern rooms. heat, lights, running water, free baths.

Winters Hotel, Fourth Branson. GOOD BUYS IN GOOD USED CARS 1932 Ford Coupe. 1932 Ford 8 1931 Ford Tudor Delux $295 1931 Ford Tudor $285 1931 Ford Sport Coupe $250 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Ford Coupe $200 1929 Chev. Coach 1929. Ford Tudor 1929 Ford Coupe 1929 Whippet 75 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan $200 1928 Chevrolet Coupe.

85 Buick 35 4 Triangle Motors, Inc. 309 West Second St. Authorized FORD Dealers Marion, Indiana USED CARS 1931 Olds Coach. A-1 throughout. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan.

1929 Olds Sedan. 1929 Auburn Coupe. 1928 Whippet Coach. 1927. Chevrolet Coupe.

1926 Chrysler Sedan. 1 1925 Olds Coach. -WE TRADEGlenn A. Scott 307 E. Third St.

Phone 1328 ROOMS AND BOARD Where to Eat HOT MINCE PIE For Saturday. Per cut, 10c; whole pie, 20c. Barney's Cafe, opposite Postoffice, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. Apartments and Flats APARTMENTS Nicely furnished, modern, heated, hot water, auto. matic heat.

Phone 6022. FIRST two-room furn. WEST, apt. 221-Modern "Reasonable. for Rent 77 BOOTS 3105-House, 921 S.

Boots, $15. E-Z Pay Realty Room 2, Webster Block. SEVERAL Semi-modern homes, Ave and six rooms each; well lorated. Phone 364. WE RENT- Rooms, houses, heated apartments, garages and country places.

Phone 1558. Shugart, 320 South Branson St. Wanted--To Rent 81 WANTED Farm on thirds. Narrel Ritchey, R. R.

2. Fairmount. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers in Real Estate INDIANA INS. REALTY CORP. Insurance, Real Estate, Rentals.

110 West Third St. Phone 1477. Farms and Land for Sale 83 GOOD-40-acre farm, miles cast of Swayzee. Inquire at the home. Nathaniel Hoggatt, Heirs.

40 ACRES-5 rooms, barn, 5 mile Marion, level land, $350 cash, bal. ance easy terms. George F. Ring. Houses for Sale GALLATIN -Near McCulloch school, 6-room modern house; $600 cash, balance $12 per month.

M. G. Gotschall Agency. Phone 2537. 9 ACRES Fairmount outskirts.

Price $1,600. Buildings worth 500 plus. Rich black soil. Cash $500, balance easy. Trade for more land.

28 FORTIES 28 eighties, many other farms, all sizes; at less than they will be 60 days from now. FIVE HUNDRED -Cash swings good 40 with soil black your hat. 40 -Well improved, 10 minFor sale C. P. 60 ACRES- throw.

Desirable in every way. Nothing whatever for rent Office hours 9 to 5. SANDERS, 735 W. Fifth Street. To Exchange- -Real Estate TWO Clear rentals for Bungalow or bank deposits.

P. 0. Box 47. WILL TRADE Clear city property for clear small acreage. WE HAVE cash buyer for 40 acres.

John Diggs Company, McCleery Building. Phone 289. WANTED TO SWAP HEIFER COW Parlor furnace, quantity popcorn. Sell or trade I for cow. W.

S. Smith, Converse. SYNOPSIS: Curt Tennyson repulses the friendly advances of Sonya, whom he has befriended in the Canadian wilderness, because he knows that the girl la planning to desert his party and to join Igor Karakhan, the millionaire crook whom Curt la tracking down. Curt and his partner Paul know that as anon 01 Sonya leaves with LeNoir, Karakhant contact man, LeNoir will send the remorseless Klosohee Indians to destroy them. Chapter 35 DEPARTURE stood up and gave Sonya CURT band to rise.

As his glance met hers he saw tears In her eyes, saw her lips trembling. "All right, Curt," she said quietly, with a bumility that shamed bim. She glanced down at the ground, started of to say something more, checked herself and turned away to her tent. He thrust the clips into bis pocket and walked up to the little stone fort which he and Paul had rolled to gether. 'Paul was carefully inspecting it and plugging chinks so that no arrows could sift through.

They did not count on having to use the defense; but their situation was delicate, LeNolr was a crafty fellow, and it was wise to guard against the unforeseen. At the upper tip of the island Ralph was sitting at the water edge occasionally drawing in a dab on the band-line be was holding. He looked lonely and disconsolate. Curt wondered whether Sonya had really told him the truth about ber trip. Ralph was an unselfish soul, but to bring the girl be loved into that country and belp her join another man seemed bit too sell-effacing even for him.

Probably she bad spun him some lie. As be brought Paul an extra rock he was startled by the low quavering call of an owl six hundred yards out upon the lake. He dropped the rock, stood listening. LeNoir? It couldn't be; the red star was nearly two hours bigh. But then the call came nearer but louder: and he distiactly caught the falsetto quality of it.

"Hell! It is LeNoir, Paul! He's come early for ber." Paul nodded. "Yes, It's be. Klale and he must want to get the whole business over with tonight!" They crouched down behind the rocks and waited. Cart's eyes were upon the tent, where Sonya would come out. He bad not imagined that her going would be an or deal, be bad even thought he would take a say.

age pleasure in being free of her for good: but DOR when she actually was leaving, it seemed impossible to let her go. When she stepped outside the tent and looked around cautiously to see where Paul and be were. be rose up, overwhelmed by the Impulse to 89 down there and keep ber from lead. ing. Paul checked him.

took a part of the burden of decision upon self. "Don't, partner! You'd be sorry. Let her leave. She'll be in no ger. Remember.

we are following her and can see that she gets safely out." Sonya hurried on down the island. In the owl dusk her slender form grew fainter and fainter till Curt no longer saw her. A canoe grated on the pea gravel as sbe tugged at 4 the craft to get it afloat. A dark blur moved away from shore. Curt COTered bis face with his bands to sbut out the sight of it.

When be looked up again, the blur was gone. PALL afterward. touched his arm, moments "We'd better be somewhere else in an hour from now. This island 1s going to have visitors." Curt pulled himselt together. "Yes, we'd better go," he said jerk.

11y. "We'll take what. we need of our outat and get away to one of these other islands, and then split up." and Jocku haven't come back." Cart turned toward the caribou leland, barely risible in the deep dusk It just then occurred to him that he had not heard the ruides shoot. Their silence was strange; they had been sone long enough to make two rich trips. burried to the lower end, launched the remaining canoe and darted down lake.

A few rods ofshore be. called in a ruarded roice: "Jocku! You and get out of there. Come alive! We haven't any time to waste." No answer came back. His roice sent the little band of caribou tear ing through the swamp birch to the other side of the island, but neither bor Jockn answered. The explanation dawned on him 'late, that the guides had sat off by with a crash.

He remembered, too themselves all day, talldag in low tones; and that Jocka had acted queerly when he came to mate his request. Now be saw through the whole ruse. Their trips after a carlbou bad been a scheme to secure canoe and get away. Those two had deserted! He whirled the canoe around and started back to camp, swearing at the evil luck that dogged every step he took. The treachery of those Da-' tives was little short of disaster.

Ho bad counted heavily on them to take Ralph back south; and now they bed sneaked away, the pair of cowards, and Nichols was left on his bands. he and Paul were encumbered with Ralph on their swift shadowy! trip, they would not stand a ghost! a chance. Before he bad gone very far be beard a rifle shot down stream. He stopped short, listened. A mile south, down where the river narrowed to a bottle neck, a furry of shots sounded.

The dull thud of the guns was unmistakable -the heavy bear Winchesters Jocku and Francols. Those two guides were in trouble; they'd run into an am-i bush! One of the Winchesters suddenly stopped. The other shot four times! more. Then, faintly in the taut stlence, a long drawn yell wafted up' river, more a scream than any ar. ticulate word.

Piercing, vibrant with terror, it sent shivers through Curt. It was a man's death cry. All his anger changed to heartfelt pity. "Poor devils!" be said softly. "They got it.

The Klosobees had a party at that narrows, to cut us off if we tried to break away." HE the whipped memory on of ashore, that cry. Paul by bad heard it too, and knew what it meant. Working swiftly, they made ready to leave. They left the tents standing, abandoned most of the supplies and all the heavier things; took nothing but guns, blankets and food for a few days. "Carry this stuff to the canoe," Curt directed.

go get Ralph." As be burried up the island, be tried to dgure how he might salvage something out of the wreckage of his plans. Perbaps they could take Ralph several miles ap some tributary river where the Klosobees were not likely to come, and secrete bim in some cave. with food and camp necessities, be picked up later when they bad do.sbed with Karakban. It was poseible. "Ralph! Come along with me.

We're pitching away from this place on the jump." Ralph got up quickly. "Why, what's the matter?" "I'll tell you later. Let's get Into the canoe and put distance between us." "Where's Sonya?" Ralph queried, winding up his fish line. "Don't ask questions now. man, for Lord's sake! And let that line go.

Come on, we're leaving hereHe bit the sentence off. Out upon the lake to the west a "merganser" called. From north and south came answers. Curt stared in the direction of that first call. For a moment be saw nothing.

Then his eyes picked up Ave blurred mottles. out at the limit of vision. He peered sharply at them. Canoes: Five Klosobee canoes! He spun around with Ralph and ran down toward Paul If only they could get out upon the lake, they might make a running battle of it and lose themselves in a maze of reedy islets halt a mile east. At the lower tip of the island his partner's gun ripped the night silence with a sharp cr-aa-ck.

When. he reached Paul, the latter was kneeling down and clipping a fresh magazine into his smoking rifle. "Look!" Paul" grabbed his arm. "Six of them! Coming in at us!" Curt looked where he pointed. Three hundred yards offshore ball a dozen sinister shadows were ins out of the dusk.

Paul's volley bad checked their headlong dash, had scattered to make the target. harder; but they were coming straight on, alming for that lower tip. got us!" Curt gasped. Before they could possibly get their canoe launched and out of the shallows, those dancing shadows would be upon them. By a margin of minutes, the precious minutes lost in bunting for Jocka and Francols, they had failed to get away.

A few stray arrows, already swishIns into the sand around them, phasized the point. "Let's got back to our rocks," he ordered. "Nothing to do now bat shoot it turned and ran for the abet tor. (Copyright, 1933, Island fort. Tomorrow a 9836 f.


Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.