Guide - Dungeon gear guide, for every floor, for every class. (2024)

This guide is gonna be very long because of all the different stuff I gotta say, so get ready.
If you don't understand anything, (official) or (non-official)
This is obviously incomplete due to the different things changing.

Additionally, terminology:
br = blood rush, a strategy in which we clear a path straight to blood room. Watch any pro dungeon youtuber; you'll see they do this a lot.
Dungeonize = This is when you turn an item into a Dungeon item, allowing it to scale with your catacombs level. It's really OP.
LCM = Left Click Mage, where you abuse the left-click beam of the Mage Class.
RCM = Right Click Mage, same thing but you abuse right-click abilities instead.

Pre-Entrance preparation:
For EVERY class, it is important to get at least some good armor as you don't want to be a disappointment.
You should download (at least) a dungeon mod. It's not really useful for Entrance but using it here can give you an idea of what the mod does.
Keep in mind that all mods are use-at-your-own-risk, you have been warned! (Many times tbh)

At this point, focus on getting something that allows you to tank enough, as mentioned.
You may choose to get holy dragon if you wish, as it does increase healing stats by a ton, ofc not really useful yet but it'll do.

Gear Guide:
While explaining gear, I may add a tag that says Reforges. The gear to reforge with are listed in the following order:
Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Weapon, Power Stone.
Weapons include mage weapons (these aren't universally classified as a single category), swords & bows
Power Stone Reforges may have a requirement, as well as having to be "learnt" which requires 9x of a certain Power Stone. You do also need an Accessory Bag for it, and some accessories. (duh)
All Power Stones are available to buy in the Bazaar. That is, if the power is in a Stone.


Hop into a Party Finder queued for Entrance. Keep in mind that you should not join "frag run" parties as that won't actually be queued for entrance. I'll explain later.

If you can't find a party, ask someone on any


skyblock discord server (such as SkyBlockZ or the official Hypixel discord) to carry you.
Entrance is a good time to test those mods you downloaded, as mentioned before.

Each floor beyond Entrance will have its name abbreviated, as per the following:
F1 = Floor 1
F2 = Floor 2
F3 = Floor 3
F4 = Floor 4
F5 = Floor 5
F6 = Floor 6
F7 = Floor 7
MM = Master Mode
Master Mode floors are the same as normal floors but with a M instead of a F

The gear within Entrance can immediately become useful for this floor, but mobs are still weak enough that with enough hp & damage, you can survive with out-of-dungeon armour.
Or, if you can, dragon armour carry.
If you are playing as an Arhcer, get an Undead Bow

This floor is already the floor in which you want to discard using out-of-dungeon gear unless it is dungeonized, mainly for the boss as Scarf can deal heavy damage. F1 gear should immediately replace your Entrance gear as it is more useful. (duh)
Dragon armour carry can still work here, but you'll likely need a bit more hp to survive and/or damage to kill.

This is the floor where each class has a different route to take (finally, here comes the long part). Yes, it seems early but it also is quite necessary, mostly for what comes next. I recommend getting a carry first, then getting the following gear. If you can, use the Auction House to buy some of these items as it is cheaper. Dragon armour carry is invalid unless you have dungeonized it.
Following is the best gear that I can think of.

Healer: Full Holy Dragon Armour if you can dungeonize it or Mender Fedora and Holy Dragon Leggings & Boots. Your chestplate can either be the Metal Chestplate or Holy Dragon Chestplate.
Reforges: Titanic, Titanic, Titanic, Titanic, any reforge possible for your weapons, Adept (if possible, learned from End Stone Shulkers) or Prepared.

Mage: Dark or Shadow Goggles, Shadow being better and Dark being cheaper, as well as 3/4 Wise Dragon Armour. Substitute that with a Metal Chestplate if too expensive. Dreadlord sword as your weapon. (Fun fact: don't replace your Dreadlord Sword if it is obtained from F1. For some reason, their stats are the highest compared to those obtained from other floors) If you are too squishy, Bonzo's Mask may help.
Reforges: Necrotic/Wise, Loving/Wise, Necrotic/Wise, Necrotic/Wise, Heroic (assuming you're using dreadlord sword), Sighted (they are dirt cheap and should have low requirements, crafted from Ender Monocles)

Berserk (Also known as Berserker or simply Bers): 3/4 Strong or Unstable Dragon Armour, metal chestplate or the chestplate of your dragon armour. Use a Cleaver that is bought from Ophelia, the one in gold collection is too weak and can't be starred/dungeonized.
Reforges: Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Spicy/Sharp/Dirty, Prepared/Warrior.

Archer: Full Skeleton Grunt (minimum)/Skeleton Soldier (if possible), (Super) Undead Bow is preferred. You also should get the Machine Gun Bow as you ascend higher in the catacombs.
Reforges: Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Hasty, Warrior.

Tank: 3/4 Protector Dragon Armour with a Metal Chestplate or even full PDA is sufficient, although remember to dungeonize!
Tanks have a damage debuff, so any weapon is fine, preferably the Dreadlord Sword and Machine Gun Bow since you deal so little damage and there is barely anything to help.
Reforges: Titanic, Titanic, Titanic, Titanic, Bulky (suvive)/Hasty/Spicy/Sharp (damage)

This floor is where it gets hectic, being the second most hectic floor in the entire catacombs with the first being its Master Mode variant (M4). Tanks will have to survive a large beating here, and healers will need to make sure to heal everyone so they don't die and force your revives on cooldown. Mages and Berserks with Cleavers are great here as they can clear out multiple mobs very quickly, whilst Archers can bow down the Spirit Bear. Pro tip: Place a Decoy down, it will save your tank a lot of these beatings.

Healer: same as F3 setup but if you have trouble surviving a tank set/Bonzo's Mask may be better, you can also mitigate damage if you wish by substituting your chestplate with the metal chestplate.

Mage: Shadow Goggles with 3/4 Wise Dragon Armour still, use Bonzo's Mask if you are squishy. Use a Spirit Sceptre this time, it is loads better.
Reforges: Necrotic, Loving, Necrotic, Necrotic, Heroic, Sighted.

Bers: Same as F3 setup, but Strong vs Unstable is harder to decide because Strong pumps out more damage but Unstable passively damages enemies if you wear full set. Keep your current Cleaver though, it is the one thing that can help you here.

Archer: Super Undead Bow. Skeleton Soldier will also be the baseline armour set. If you do not have that, you are not ready.
Reforges: Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Hasty/Precise/Spiritual, Warrior.

Tank: As mentioned, Tanks will have quite the beatdown, so high EHP is ESSENTIAL to be a tank. Protector Dragon Armour or Old Dragon Armour are really good armour sets here provided you dungeonize them. You can also substitute the chestplate for the Metal Chestplate once again. Again, weapons should be the same as F3 but you could also get a Super Undead Bow.
Reforges: Titanic, Titanic, Titanic, Titanic, Bulky (survive)/Hasty/Spicy/Sharp (damage)

This floor is when better armour drops not just from normal mobs but also from the boss itself. However, Livid is also another hectic fight since the corner cheese was patched. Another pro tip: After Livid blinds you, look up at the middle ceiling. The ceiling's colour changes to match the real Livid's colour. Killing a clone will buff other clones and the real Livid.

Healer: same as F4, a tank set may be better as livid can deal a lot of DPS with his clones. Power Stone should change to End Stone Shulker or Hazmat Enderman.

Mage: You're squishy as hell, so either deal massive damage or deal good damage AND survive. Same as F4.

Bers: the infamous juju non setup. 3/4 Shadow Assassin with a Zombie Knight Chestplate. If you can, get a Shadow Assassin Chestplate as it is better. Get a weapon such as Livid Dagger or Shadow Fury, those are really good.
Reforges: Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Epic/Spicy/Sharp, Bloody/Shaded/Silky.

Archer: same as bers, but you may want to put a Skeleton Master chestplate instead. Juju Shortbow is an instant requirement unless you're willing to stand there and use Super Undead Bow which is useless.
Reforges: Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Fierce, Precise/Spiritual, Bloody/Shaded/Silky.

Tank: Unless you are willing to die then get 3/4 Shadow Assassin temporarily and use Mender Fedora. Of course, chestplate can be replaced with metal chestplate. Your weapon should be the same as bers.
Reforges: Titanic, Titanic, Titanic, Titanic, Epic/Sharp/Spicy, Adept/Healthy

This one is also hectic, but only for the first phase with Terracottas and their FoTs as well as Golems to deal with. Giants can also one-shot squishy players immediately. Throw tip: While a cutscene for phase 3 is being triggered, jump into the middle hole when a crane appears to lift the giant out. This will kill both you and your tank unless either of you have a lifesaving ability activated.

Healer: 3/4 Necromancer Lord with Mender Crown. Weapon should be the same as a F5 bers but you could also opt for summons. Not recommended but could work. Giant's Sword is also obviously good.
Reforges: Giant, Giant, Giant, Giant, Epic/Sharp/Spicy/Heroic (for mana-consuming weapons)

Mage: 3/4 Necromancer Lord with Wither Goggles. Giant's Sword for either of the mage styles.
Reforges: Necrotic, Loving, Necrotic, Necrotic, Epic/Spicy/Sharp (LCM) or Heroic (RCM), Bloody/Shaded (LCM) or Sighted/Bizarre (RCM)

Bers: Same as F5, although by this point it's either have Juju, FoT, Livid Dagger, Shadow Fury or no F6 at all.

Archer: Same as F5, although again, either Juju or no F6.

Tank: 3/4 Necromancer Lord with either Reaper Mask or Mender Crown. Mender Crown has a lot of Vitality in dungeons which can heal you for so much if you need it. Weapon is the same as F5.
Reforges: Giant, Giant, Giant, Giant, same as F5, Healthy/Adept/Mythical/Pleasant.

This, is the big one everyone would have waited for. This fight has 4 phases with 4 withers. You'll figure it out, trust me.
Be aware that the gear listed below are very expensive so stick with your F6 setup until you can get them.

Healer: 3/4 Goldor with Mender Crown. Astrea if possible otherwise go for damage.
Reforges: Giant, Giant, Giant, Giant, Bulky, Healthy/Mythical/Pleasant

Mage: 3/4 Storm with Wither Goggles. Hyperion (RCM) or Giant's Sword (LCM), sticking with a sceptre is useless in this floor.
Reforges: Necrotic, Loving, Necrotic, Necrotic, Heroic (RCM)/whatever your LCM reforge is, Bizarre/Sighted (RCM) or Bloody/Shaded (LCM)

Bers: Chestplate & Leggings Necron, Maxor Boots and SA/Tara Helmet. Get Golden Head and Diamond Head from AH or Collections. Juju, Livid Dagger, Shadow Fury or Giant's Sword is good here. FoT can kinda work?
Reforges: Ancient, Ancient, Ancient, Ancient, Withered, Bloody/Shaded

Archer: Same as Bers, just Juju though. Withered also won't work, you'll have to use Spiritual/Precise instead.

Master Mode coming soon?
Put a comment if you want to improve the guide! This is obviously never going to be complete due to the constant changes, but the least we can do is make it as accurate as possible!

Guide - Dungeon gear guide, for every floor, for every class. (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.